Dr. Jonas Steffl

Dr. Jonas Steffl is working as a research associate at the Chair of Innovation Management and Media since March 2023. His research focuses on the areas of business development (Business Model Dynamics) and proactivity in the context of innovation management (Proactive Decision Making). He accompanies and designs the basic and project-related teaching of the chair, especially on innovation and media management as well as media business models, management theories and strategies.

Previously, Dr. Steffl was a research associate at the Chair of Marketing and Media at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar from October 2018 to March 2023. In December 2023, Dr. Jonas Steffl successfully completed his doctorate on the topic of "Business Development and Brand Management – A Reciprocal Relationship". From September to December 2022, he completed a research stay at the research laboratory IREGE (Institut de Recherche en Gestion et en Économie) at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc, in Annecy, France.

Dr. Jonas Steffl completed his Bachelor’s degree in applied media science at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. In his master, he studied media management with a focus on marketing and media at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, and at the International Business School at Vilnius University in Lithuania, where he majored in marketing communications and international business strategy. During his studies, Dr. Steffl gained work experience in corporate brand development, campaign management and PR consulting.


SoSe 2022

Vorlesung: Markenführung und Medienmarken

SoSe 2021

Forschungskolloquium: »Markenführung«

Internationales Planspielseminar: Strategisches Marketing »MarkStrat« (online)

WiSe 2020 / 2021

Praxiswerkstatt und Forschungskolloquium: »Marktforschung«

Marktorientiertes Management von Medienunternehmen

SoSe 2020

Forschungskolloquium: »Markenforschung« - Markenführung und Business Development

Internationales Planspielseminar: Strategisches Marketing »MarkStrat« (online)

WiSe 2019 / 2020

Entrepreneurial Marketing

Praxiswerkstatt und Forschungskolloquium: »Marktforschung«

SoSe 2019

Forschungskolloquium: Management der Markenkommunikation – Von der Marktforschung zur Kommunikationskampagne

WiSe 2018/2019

Begleitseminar: Medien-Kommunikation-Gesellschaft

Praxiswerkstatt und Forschungskolloquium: »Marktforschung«



Weber, J., Steffl, J. & Buschow, C. (2021), Plattformen für digitalen Journalismus in Deutschland: Eine Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie der Angebote am Markt. MedienWirtschaft, 18(2), 20–33.


Steffl, J. & Emes, J. (2020), What is Business Development? – Possible Ways Forward in Theory Building, Methods and Future Research, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 11th.




Kerschefski, H., Steffl, J. & Buschow, C. (2022), The Digital Renewal of News Media Brands – An Experimental Study of Tagesschau’s Brand Perception on TikTok. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Media Management Association (emma) Conference 2022, 15-17 Juni 2022, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, München/Deutschland.

Steffl, J. & Emes, J. (2022), Brand Hype – Introduction, Conceptualization, and Operationalization of a New Brand Construct. Vortrag auf dem Brand Camp 5, 31. März - 02. April, Universität Innsbruck, Obergurgl/Österreich.


Steffl, J. & Emes, J. (2021), How Innovation Types Drive Consumers’ Brand Perception – The Innovation-Brand-Interplay of Tech Giants. Vortrag bei DerMarkentag (online), 16. September 2021, Hochschule Mainz –University of Applied Sciences, Mainz/Deutschland.


Steffl, J. & Emes, J. (2020), What is Business Development? – Possible Ways Forward in Theory Building, Methods and Future Research. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference 2020 (online), 16-19 September 2020, University of Zagreb, Zagreb/Kroatien.

Schäfer, T., Steffl, J., Buschow, C. & Kuchinke, B. A. (2020), Reconstructing Strategies in Media Industries from Trade Press: A Longitudinal Analysis of German Media Companies. Angenommener Vortrag bei der European Media Management Association (emma) Conference 2020, Jönköping University, Jönköping/Schweden.


Steffl, J., Janson, T. & Emes, J. (2019), The Impact of Advertising, Shopping Experience and Consumption Dimensions on Brand Experience. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference 2019, 25-27 September 2019, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg/Russland.

Steffl, J., Janson, T. & Emes, J. (2019), The Impact of Advertising, Shopping Experience and Consumption Dimensions on Brand Experience – How Media Factors Shape Brand Experience. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Media Management Association (emma) Conference 2019, 5-7 Juni 2019, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Limassol/Zypern.