International Simulation Games

Gruppenbild - Internationale MarkStrat Simulation in Valencia SoSe2022

International Simulation Games in Media Management

Since 2015, the Chair of Marketing and Media has regularly participated in an international business game in the summer semester with students of the Master of Media Management, which is organized by partner universities of the DukeNet network.

This involves a one-week intensive program at a partner university, during which students play a web-based business game against each other in international groups. Students can receive credit for their participation in the game as part of the “Marketing and Media Research” project module.

MarkStrat is a web-based simulation game that was developed in France in the 1970s by Jean-Claude Larréché and Huber Gatignon and has been further developed by Larréché's company StratX since the 1980s.

In the simulation, students compete against each other in small international groups. They replace marketing in a fictitious company and have to position their own products ("brands") on the market with the help of strategic decisions along the marketing mix in such a way that they become the leading company. The groups have a wide range of tools and information at their disposal in order to use the annual marketing budget allocated to them as efficiently as possible.

Recap of MarkStrat '22 (Valencia)


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