
You can also follow our project and current lecture announcements on Facebook.

Workshop: The Mismeasure of Mind: Models of Intelligence and the Politics of Madness

Join us for "The Mismeasure of Mind: Models of Intelligence and the Politics of Madness" workshop on June 26-27, 2024 at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. This event explores the often forgotten "continuous and mutual influences" of the history of philosophy, the history of AI, and the history and politics of madness. Elena Vogman, PI of »Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe«, will speak about "Colonial Architecture of Normativity: Fanon and Images from the Blida-Joinville Clinic".

Workshop: Psy-disciplines and Primitivism in Postcolonial Times

Elena Vogman, PI of the project »Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe« will be in Tarragona, Spain for a workshop delving into the connections of psy-disciplines and primitivism in postcolonial times. Her talk entitled "The Aesthetics and Politics of Madness Against Primitivism (with Tosquelles and Fanon)" will take place on Thursday, June 20. She will focus on Frantz Fanon’s re-working of “social therapy” at the psychiatric clinic of Blida-Joinville against the racist and primitivist doctrine of the Algiers School.

Welcome to our new PhD researcher: Camilla Caglioti

We are thrilled to announce that Camilla Caglioti is joining our research project »Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe« at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Camilla will be developing a research project on Frantz Fanon’s work and its connections to the French psychothérapie institutionnelle and Italian psichiatria democratica.

Conference: QUEER TOSQUELLES on 21 and 22 June 2024

Join us on 21–22 June 2024, at Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln for the international conference on "QUEER TOSQUELLES" engaging with the legacy of François Tosquelles and exploring the intersections of queer theory and revolutionary psychiatric practices. For the full program and additional information, click "more".

Book Launch: Displacing Theory Through the Global South

On Thursday, 16 May at 19:00, the book "Displacing Theory Through the Global South" to which Marlon Miguel contributed the essay "Inner World and Milieu. Art, Madness, and Brazilian Psychiatry in the Work of Nise da Silveira" will be presented at ici Berlin. After a staged reading by Iracema Dulley and Juliana Streva and a discussion, the audience is invited to a Q&A.

Conference: Literatur und Psychiatrie revisited, 1920-1970 vom 15. bis 17. Mai 2024

Join us at HU Berlin for a conference exploring the intersections of literature and psychiatry between 1920 and 1970. Elena Vogman and Marlon Miguel will contribute a talk entitled "Poetics of the Lived Experience: Frantz Fanon's Theatre Plays". It will take place on Thursday May 16 at 09:45h. For the full program and information on how to attend, follow the link to the site of the HU.

Just Released: "L’Image-milieu. Deleuze, Artaud, Tosquelles et les médias de la psychothérapie institutionnelle" by Elena Vogman

Elena Vogman's newly released article is included in the collection of essays "Cinéma du corps, cinéma du cerveau. Deleuze aux frontières de la spectatorialité", edited by ed. Marie Rebecchi, Stanislas de Courville and Jacopo Bodini. The collection is published by Éditions Mimesis in the series "L'œil et l'esprit". The full text of the article is available under "Publications".

Hot Off the Press: "Inner World and Milieu. Art, Madness, and Brazilian Psychiatry in the Work of Nise da Silveira" by Marlon Miguel

Marlon Miguel's essay focuses on the work of Brazilian doctor Nise da Silveira, a pioneer in psychiatry who introduced artistic tools to work with psychiatric patients, especially those diagnosed as psychotic. She founded the Museum of Images from the Unconscious in 1952 inside an asylum in Rio de Janeiro to assemble and exhibit the works produced by her patients.

The essay has just been published in the open access collection "Displacing Theory Through the Global South", edited by Iracema Dulley and Özgün Eylül İşcen, ICI Berlin Press.

Upcoming Talk by Marlon Miguel, "L’image au-delà de la représentation, le réel au-delà du symbolique. Une discussion entre Deligny et Lacan"

On Saturday, April 27th at 4:00 PM Paris time Marlon Miguel, co-PI of the project "Madness, Media, Milieus: Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe" at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, will delve into Fernand Deligny's engagement with Jacques Lacan's concepts of the "symbolic" and the "real."

His presentation will take place within the framework of a series of reading workshops organized and moderated by Verónica Diez. For further information and the link for online participation, visit the linked page of École lacanienne.

Conference: Psychoanalysis in Translation. A Global Conversation

Join us at ici Berlin on May 2nd and 3rd, 2024, for a conference exploring the global history of psychoanalysis and its politics of translation. Marlon Miguel, co-PI of the project "Madness, Media, Milieus," will present a talk titled "Psychosis and Images: Translating the Non-Verbal". Click "more" for the event's full program and registration for in-person attendance on the ici website.