neudeli Boost

Get your startup boosted!

You are currently working on your business idea after validating its feasibility and market potential? You are eager to take the next crucial steps towards financing or implementation? With our startup promotion scheme neudeli Boost, we support founders with promising startup projects who either aim to apply for a startup-related funding programme (e.g. EXIST Business Start-up Grant, EXIST Transfer of Research) or want to develop a go-to-market strategy focussing on the milestone »market entry«.

What is the objective of neudeli Boost?

The aim of the funding is to provide founders with individual support and the flexibility to apply for specific startup funding (e.g. EXIST Business Startup Grant, EXIST Transfer to Research). The programme also supports projects that are on the verge of official spin-off and market entry. neudeli Boost provides flexible funding without complex application processes or reporting, enabling the next steps to be taken quickly and efficiently.

What does neudeli Boost offer me?

neudeli Boost provides prospective founders with compelling projects with everything they need to succeed. Our support package includes:

  • An individual grant (max. 3 months) of up to €2,000 per month
  • A budget for prototype construction (max. €7,500 per project)
  • A budget for market analyses and feasibility studies (max. €7,500 per project)
  • A free workspace and 24/7 access to the neudeli startup workshop, incl. MakerLabs
  • An individual coaching roadmap & support in preparing the application or developing the market entry strategy

Who can apply?

neudeli Boost’s target group are students (up to 6 months after graduation), PhD candidates, as well as employees in the arts and research fields from all faculties of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Regardless if you are a solo founder or part of a team, you can apply for the neudeli Boost.

Eligible for funding are technology-oriented, knowledge-based and impact-oriented startup projects in an advanced pre-seed phase with a high practical benefit and market potential.

When and how can I apply?

Applications for neudeli Boost can be submitted throughout the entire year. The application process consists of the following four steps:

  1. Submission of a max. four-page outline of your startup project (including the current development status and budget requirements for the funding period) via email to neudeli[at]
  2. Feedback on the outline by the neudeli team, invitation to a personal interview and clarification of open questions
  3. Presentation of the startup project to a selection committee of the Thuringian university startup network »StarTH« by the designated neudeli coach
  4. Final decision and creation of an personalised coaching plan jointly with the neudeli coach

The funding programme »neudeli Boost« is supported by »StarTH – The Thuringian University Startup Network«.