The purpose of taking a doctorate is to allow the candidate to demonstrate his or her ability to conduct advanced academic work. The submitted dissertation must thus meet academic standards and contain original academic material and research results.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar authorises the Faculty of Media to confer the following academic degrees:
The doctoral degree regulations determine the admissions requirements and the entire doctoral procedure (English Reading Version). The Doctoral Candidate Admissions Board is the committee of the Faculty of Media responsible for taking decisions, ensuring that the doctoral degree regulations are properly followed and resolving any outstanding issues.
1. Dissertation (in written academic form)
2. Thesis defence (oral defence)
3. Publication
1. Declaration in writing by a professor of their willingness to supervise the candidate
2. Registration as doctoral candidate
3. Commencement of the doctoral examination process
4. Acceptance of the assessors’ reports
5. Thesis defence
6. Publication
7. Doctoral certificate
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Verona Schwarz, phone: +49(0)3643-58 37 00 or e mail:[at]
Please send applications in writing to Prof. Dr. Jan Oliver Ringert, Head of the Doctoral Candidate Admissions Board, by standard mail to:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Schwanseestr. 143
99427 Weimar
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