Prof. Dr. Lorenz Engell (Dean, advisory)
Prof. Dr. Fröhlich, Bernd
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Krivanec, Eva
Dr. Jakoby, Andreas (Vice Dean for study affairs)
Dr. Coenen, Ekkehard
Reese, Annette
Thomas, Frank
Student Singh, Shriya
Student Heyder, Philine
Extended Faculty Board:
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ehlers, Jan
Prof. Dr. Hornecker, Eva (Vice Dean)
Prof. Dr. Ringert, Jan Oliver
Prof. Dr. Voss, Christiane
Prof. Dr. Ziemann, Andreas
Advisory Members:
Rößler, Susanne (Head of Administration)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Wirth (Equal Opportunities Officer Media Faculty)
Rünker, Maximilian (Member of the Doctorate Council Pro.Doc)
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