Decentralised Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Media:
Junior Professor Dr Sabine Wirth
Equal Opportunity Officer Faculty of Media
Junior Professorship Digital Cultures
Schwanseestraße 143, Room: 3.10
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 37 53
Email: sabine.wirth[at]
Charlotte Bolwin, M.A.
Research assistant at the Junior Professorship Digital Cultures
Schwanseestraße 143, Room 3.11
Email: charlotte.bolwin[at]
Lilli Hallmann, M.A.
Research assistant at the Research Training Group Media Anthropology
Belvederer Allee 9
Email: lilli.hallmann[at]
» Website of the Equal Opportunity Office
» Equal opportunity plan of the Faculty of Media
Advisory Board for Diversity: N.N.
Security Officer
André Bernhardt
Bauhausstr. 15, R. 105
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 36 14
fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 36 36
email: andre.bernhardt[at]
Staff Council: Aßmann, Christiane
The President's Appointment Commissioners: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ehlers, Jan; Prof. Dr. Engell, Lorenz; Prof. Dr. Paulus, Jörg
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