The winners of the 28th regional »Jugend forscht Mittelthüringen« competition have been announced: On 22 February, a total of 15 winners were announced and will continue on to the Thuringian state competition. The year, for the first time, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory (MFPA) Weimar took over sponsoring the competition for young scientists.
The »Untersuchung der Eigenschaften von PET während des Recyclingprozesses« project by students Manuel Paul, Luisa Fechner and Greta Diederich from Erfurt’s Staatlichen Gymnasium »Albert Schweitzer« was awarded first place in the »Jugend forscht« chemistry category. They were also recognised with a special award funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection for resource efficiency and endowed with 75 euros,
First place in the »Jugend forscht« category for the working environment was awarded to Marlene Hansch, Jakob Hörsch and Lucia Fehlhaber from Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Weimar for their »Optimierung von Klassenräumen zur Gewährleistung eines effektiveren Unterrichts« project. The students also received a special prize from the City of Weimar, valued at 60 euros and includes a visit to city hall with mayor Peter Kleine.
Malia Elena Schölzel and Marie Rothhardt from Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium in Sömmerda won first place in the physics category of the »Schüler experimentieren« competition with their project »Energie sparen, ganz natürlich«. Two additional participants were recognised with the special »Energiewende & Klimaschutz« prize, sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and endowed with 75 euros.
First place in the technology category of the »Schüler experimentieren« competition went to Nils Kleeberg, Freya Flieger and Ben Hering from the Grundschule am Steigerwald in Erfurt for their »Schulpapier Upcycling« project. The students were also awarded a special prize for renewable resources, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the »Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe« and endowed with 75 euros.
Other prize winners:
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory announced the regional prize for best interdisciplinary project. The winners of this prize will also continue on to the Thuringian state competition. Arthur Politt, Konrad Brier and Karlson Lindel from the Jenaplanschule in Erfurt were awarded the »Schüler experimentieren« prize in biology for their »Überlebenshilfe« project. Julie Kruse, Hagen Jacob and Julia Stalder from Erfurt’s Staatlichen Gymnasium »Albert Schweitzer« won in the work environment category of the »Jugend forscht« competition with their »VitaMine – App zur Erfassung der Aufnahme von Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen«. Participants also received special Frauenhofen IDMT prizes, which includes an invitation to participate in the 2023 »TalentSchool Ilmenau«.
Special prizes awarded for the first time this year included two internships at the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory Weimar and a preview study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
After an exciting competition day, the event sponsors Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes , President (interim) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, and Prof. Dr.-Ing Carsten Könke, Scientific Director of the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory and Professor of Structural Engineering and Component Strength at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, congratulated participants. »It’s fascinating to see the creativity and curiosity that inspire these young researchers to tackle complex topics and to see how diverse and professional their projects are. The competition was hosted for the first time by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and we are very much looking forward to welcoming STEM-inclined children and youth every year here from now on. We congratulate all regional competition winners and wish them every success in the upcoming state competition.«
112 students from 15 schools and student research centres in Weimar, Erfurt, Sömmerda, Kölleda and Rastenberg participated in the regional »Jugend forscht« Mittelthüringen competition. Two students from the German International School Dubai also participated in the competition. A total of 49 projects were exhibited: 26 projects were submitted in the »Schüler experimentieren« category for participants aged 9 to 14, and 23 projects were submitted in the »Jugend forscht« category for 15- to 19-year-olds. The young researchers presented their projects to a panel of 33 STEM teachers, professors and expert from research and business institutions, as well as to a large public audience.
A total of 64 prizes were awarded. The complete list of prize winners can be found at:
Photos: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/ Dominique Wollniok
The 29th regional »Jugend forscht« Mittelthüringen competition will take place next year on 28 February 2024 at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. About »Jugend forscht« A total of 7 regional »Jugend forscht« competitions are held in Thuringia. The winners of these competitions go on to present their projects in the Thuringian state competition, which will be held this year on 31 March 2023 in Jena. Winners of this competition qualify to take part in the national competition. Sponsors of the »Jugend forscht« competition organize events at the regional, state and national levels across Germany. Young researchers can submit projects in seven categories: Working environment, biology, chemistry, earth and space sciences, mathematics/computer science, physics and technology. Germany’s most prominent competition for young researchers is taking place this year for the 58th time and will be held in Bremen from 18 to 21 May with the theme »Mach Ideen groß!«. For more information on »Jugend forshct«, visit:
For questions and further information, contact Milena Deobald (Materials Research and Testing Laboratory) or Michaela Peisker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) via e-mail: pb.mittelthueringen[at]
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