
Programme structure
To be able to participate in fascinating Projects in the fourth and fifth semesters, you must first learn the basics. Our curriculum is based on the recommendations for Bachelor’s degree programmes of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.). In the first half of the course, you will learn the scientific principles of mathematics and computer science.
- linear Algebra, analysis, numerics, stochastics
- discrete mathematics, algorithms and Data structures, formal languages
- technical und practical Informatics, parallel and distributed Systems, Cryptography
- Introduction to Coding, Modelling, Software Engineering
- Data bases
- Human-Computer Interaction
From the fourth Semester on you will chose between the following two Areas of Specialization:
Im Wahlmodulbereich kannst Du frei aus dem Angebot der Universität wählen. Auch die Wahl eines Sprachkurses oder ein Auslandsaufenthalt sind möglich und wünschenswert.
Mit Deinem Bachelor-Modul (Bachelor-Arbeit + Verteidigung) schließt Du das Informatik-Studium ab. Nach erfolgreicher Verteidigung verleiht Dir die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar den Abschluss »Bachelor of Science«.
Den detaillierten Aufbau des Studiums findest du im Curriculum.
Weitere Informationen zu den Formalitäten des Studiums regeln die Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen. Allgemeine Beschreibungen zu Inhalten und Lernzielen der Module findest du im Modulkatalog.
In the second half of your study programme, you will take elective modules that you are free to select from the courses offered at the university. Selection of a language course or stay abroad is possible and encouraged; this is also supported by the faculty.
The Bachelor’s degree in Informatics concludes with a dissertation module. You will prepare an academic thesis and present your findings during an oral defence (open to members of the university). The course tutors are on hand at all times for consultations. After successfully defending your dissertation, the university will award you a »Bachelor of Science« (B.Sc.) qualification.
For more information on the study formalities, please see the study and examination regulations.
Further programme details are available in the curriculum. For general descriptions of the module content and learning aims, please refer to the module catalogue.