
Pursuing a degree in Media Culture in Weimar.
The social phenomenon of the selfie, crowd innovation, the cultural technology of remixing and the interaction between humans and smartphones – no subject is off-limits for our students. The Media Studies program in Weimar takes a particularly broad approach: when we consider media studies, cultural studies and media economics, we are not only interested in mass media and communication media in the classic sense. Instead, we focus much more on medial transitions and connections to other areas of study, such as sociology, philosophy, history of science and cultural technology research. The faculty provides the freedom and trust for you to pursue your own interests and research projects. The infrastructure required for this exists, namely in small seminar groups and well-equipped rooms and libraries. The professors and university staff provide consultation on topics for seminar work and final projects.
A lively exchange with researchers from around the globe
A close exchange also takes place with the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) as well as the Competence Centre for Media Anthropology (KOMA). These are just two of the excellent research institutions at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with an international profile. These institutions will enable you to expand your horizons: researchers from around the world present their findings and invite you to participate in lively discussions on media concepts.
Networked thinking beyond Media Studies
Beside the seminars and lectures, you can participate in countless student initiatives in Weimar’s cultural scene: a media culture magazine (EJECT), film festival (backup) and exhibition (Marke.6) are just a few of the opportunities for you to gain fascinating practical experience alongside your studies. Find out more about student initiatives at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar here.