Media Management (Medienmanagement), M.A.
The Master’s Degree Course in Medienmanagement (Media Management) covers a field in which Economics, Social Sciences and Media Studies intersect. This is why both tuition and research are characterised by a transdisciplinary and multifaceted approach, which the Faculty of Media regards as an essential response to the profound changes currently taking place in terms of media products, media enterprises and economic conditions. The study program is mainly held in German.
Four good reasons to study Media Management in Weimar
Thoughts of the professors (only in German)

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Dr. Christopher Buschow, Juniorprofessor für »Organisation und vernetzte Medien«

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Dr. Jutta Emes, Professorin für »Marketing und Medien«

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Dr. Björn A. Kuchinke, Professor für »Medienökonomik«