The prerequisite for admission to the degree course is a first academic degree with above-average grades (i.e. overall grade at least 2.5) in
a) Economics or a related subject or
b) Media Studies or a related subject
Before they begin their studies, applicants whose first academic degree is not in Economics should be able to provide proof that they have acquired relevant academic knowledge equivalent to at least 30 ECTS credit points. The selection panel shall consider all submissions which are relevant to the subject of Economics. Credit points gained as part of a first-degree dissertation, if thematically relevant, will also be recognized.
Once the formal prerequisites have been fulfilled, applications are processed by an internal university selection panel, consisting of two professors and two research associates, assesses the aptitude of the each applicant for the specific demands of the degree course. An applicant is deemed to have met this requirement, and is thus admitted to the Master’s Degree Course in Media Management, if she or achieves a total score of at least 80 out of the 100 points available using the assessment scheme presented here.
The first step in this aptitude assessment is the conversion of the overall grade of the applicant’s first university degree into a numerical score using the calculation table below. If an applicant has not completed a degree course at the time of application but can provide proof of the acquisition of at least 150 ECTS credit points in a relevant subject, the calculation is carried out using the average grade achieved in her or his examination results thus far. The maximum possible score is 60:
1,0: 60 Pkt. | 1,4: 56 Pkt. | 1,8: 52 Pkt. | 2,2: 48 Pkt. |
1,3: 57 Pkt. | 1,7: 53 Pkt. | 2,1: 49 Pkt. | 2,5: 45 Pkt. |
1,1: 59 Pkt. | 1,5: 55 Pkt. | 1,9: 51 Pkt. | 2,3: 47 Pkt. |
1,2: 58 Pkt. | 1,6: 54 Pkt. | 2,0: 50 Pkt. | 2,4: 46 Pkt. |
In addition, the applicant must submit a letter of motivation consisting of at least one DIN A4 page (in German). This piece of writing will be awarded a score out of 40, based on the four criteria listed below, each of which is worth ten points. The maximum possible score is thus 40.
The four criteria are:
1. Subject-specific knowledge acquired in the course of the applicant’s previous academic education (with reference to the core study areas of the Master’s Degree Course in Media Management)
2. Subject-specific practical experience acquired, for example, through internships, non-university projects, professional work experience and work abroad
3. Explanation of why the applicant is interested in the field of media management, together with personal expectations of the course contents
4. Reflective and analytical skills in the field of Media Studies, as well as the ability to work with due care and accuracy
The applicant must provide proof of all her or his record of achievements in the form of a tabular curriculum vitae. A transcript of records should also be submitted, containing the titles of all courses attended as part of the applicant’s first academic degree and the ECTS credit points acquired.
Applicants from abroad must provide proof of competence in the German language equivalent to DSH-2 or TestDaF (at least 4x TDN 4).
Further information can be found by clicking on Internationales of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Internationales of the Faculty of Media.
The requirements for management qualifications in professional practice are becoming more and more differentiated - and that is exactly what we prepare you for!
We train you to become highly qualified experts. We train your analytical and creative potential and you learn to solve problems in new and unfamiliar situations. These qualities are fostered by the modern technical content of the course and the project-oriented structure.
You will learn these competencies during your studies:
After graduation, you will be qualified to work in a management position in organizations, in business or in the liberal professions. In addition to occupying management positions, alumni of the program should also be qualified to work independently. The Faculty of Media and the Gründerwerkstatt neudeli will support you on your way to start-up and self-employment with specific courses and a network for founders. Last but not least, you will be prepared for a possible career in research.
The occupational fields of alumni of the Masters Media Management are especially in the following areas:
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Despite its relatively small size and picture-book qualities, Weimar is by no means a sleepy, backwater town. And although it’s famous for Goethe, Schiller and the Bauhaus, Weimar has something for everyone - whether you’re an art and culture lover, night owl, sport enthusiast or gourmet. And all of this in downtown Weimar where nothing is further away than a ten-minute walk. You can look forward to visiting more than 20 museums, four cinemas, the Deutsches Nationaltheater, several small theatre venues, student clubs and concert events.
Furthermore, there are several smaller and bigger initiatives that you might join as a student: Uni television Hauraus TV, the student radio station Bauhaus FM, the university galery marke.6, the soapbox derby SpaceKidHeadCup or the short film festival backup_festival.
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