City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Ghent | Ghent University | Department of Communication Sciences | 2 | Dutch,English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Nikosia | University of Nicosia | Department of Management and MIS | 2 | English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
Nikosia | University of Cyprus | Department of Business and Public Administration | 5 | English/Greek | Prof. Dr. Björn Kuchinke |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Zlín | Tomas Bata University | Faculty of Multimedia Communication | 2 | Czech/English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Ancona | Unversità Politecnica delle Marche | Facoltà di Economia "Giorgio Fuà" | 4 | Italian,English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Riga | Lativian Academy of Culture | Management of Culture | 2 | German/English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Vilnius | Vilnius University | Business School | 3 | English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Breslau | University of Wroclaw | Faculty of Letters | 2 | Polish/English | Prof. Dr. Jörg Paulus |
Katowice | University of Economics | European Master’s in Customer Relationship Marketing | 2 | Polish/English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Viseu | Instituto Politécnico de Viseu | School of Technology and Management | 2 | Portuguese,English | Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Gwangju | Chonnam National University | Department of Business Administration | 2-4 | English | Prof. Dr. Björn Kuchinke |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Valencia | Universitat Politècnica de Valèncial | Faculty of Fine Arts / Master’s Degree in Cultural Management | 1 | English/Spanish | Prof. Dr. Björn Kuchinke |
For further information on the application procedure and the organisation of your stay abroad please check the links below:
» Important Forms for your studies abroad
» International Office of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
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