Doctoral Studies

There are two options to achieve a Doctor’s degree at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:
As doctoral candidate in a structured doctoral programme or in a research training group you research together with other doctoral candidates. As part of the programme you will be mentored. The participation in courses and colloquia is obligatory.
During an individual doctoral programme you work mainly independently and with your supervising professor on your research project. Presence and reporting obligations are agreed upon individually.
Please use our online application portal in order to apply for either individual or programme doctoral studies.
For more detailed information about doctoral studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar please visit the website of Bauhaus Research School. The Bauhaus Research School functions as the university’s academic institutions which supports and consults doctoral students of all four faculties in all matters concerning their doctoral study programme.
For instance, prospective doctoral candidates can participate in so-called "acquaintance stays". The Bauhaus Research School supports all faculties to select particularly suitable graduates from abroad for the doctorate at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar by funding acquaintance stays for international graduates.
The international phd network of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers events and activities which foster the exchange of knowledge and international experience as well as support services for international phd students.
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