The Learning Agreement is a contract between you, your home university and the host faculty at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In it, you agree which study achievements you want to complete in Weimar and to what extent.
The Learning Agreement is only obligatory for incoming ERASMUS students.
Please use our course offerings in the electronic course catalog (BISON) to create your preliminary Learning Agreement. Discuss the course selection with the exchange coordinator at your home university. Please also consult the International Counsellor of your future faculty at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He/she is responsible for answering academic questions about your studies at Bauhaus-Universität.
Please note Bauhaus-Universität Weimar's course catalogue will only be published until a few weeks before the semester begins. For the timely preparation of your Learning Agreement (before mobility), please enter courses from the previous semester. |
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