If you are an international student at a German university, you are able to work in Germany after you graduate. Please note, however, that very good proficiency in German is absolutely essential for this. If you completed an English-language degree, your German may not be at a high enough level. You are allowed to take leave during your studies to learn German, though.
Students from non-EU countries
If you are a non-EU student, you can apply for a residence permit to seek employment after you graduate. This will be issued for a maximum of 18 months. You are expected to find “appropriate” employment during this time, i.e. work corresponding with your qualifications and degree. As a rule, this 18-month period is not sufficient to acquire the necessary proficiency in German and also find employment. You are able to apply to study part-time for a set period of time or to take a leave of absence during your studies for this though.
After you have completed your second or third semester, you can take 1–2 semesters of leave to attend the “study preparation courses” offered by the Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e. V. in cooperation with the Language Centre at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (fees apply). You can learn German to a high level there.
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