WIN allows you to take part in the intercultural life in Weimar and to meet nice people. On the following pages, we offer you useful tips for living and studying in Weimar.
Find new people in Weimar and around the world! Your welcoming-buddy can help you settle more quickly. Your incoming-buddy can open a door to other cultures and new perspectives.
The Weimar International Network (WIN) is a cooperation with the International Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Studierendenwerk Thüringen and the Bauhaus Internationals, who are a branch of the StuKo. This comprehensive Internet platform allows us to inform and bring together interculturally-minded students and citizens in Germany and abroad. We present various cultural Programmes in Weimar and allow you to sign up for them via our website.
Our services include progress reports from international students and programme participants, starter guides, events on international themes and extensive information about life in Germany.
One of the aims of WIN is to integrate foreign students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar from the moment they apply for admission to the day they graduate. At the same time, this cooperation promotes the intercultural skills of German students to prepare them for study abroad or as a way of “internationalising" them at home.
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