Then take a chance and experience the German Stammtisch tradition. The word Stammtisch describes a cheerful gathering in a pub where a group of friends converse over drinks. In this way, you can quickly engage in conversation and practice your language skills in a relaxed setting.
Stammtisch events are organised for various languages by students, language instructors and volunteers. Once a week, German and international students talk with one another in English or Spanish about whatever topics that interest them.
What was hidden in the broom cupboard? Why was the bottle of cyanide half-empty? Where was Seth the gardener between 2 and 3 o‘clock? What was the strange noise that Mrs. Murgatroyd heard in the night?
These are the sort of questions we will be attempting to answer in the Crime Club, which is meeting every other Tuesday evening at 19:30 at the Language Centre.
We will be reading, watching film adaptations and, above all, discussing, speculating and solving mysteries . . .
There is no participation fee, and no registration is necessary. If you are interested, simply come along or send a mail to: howard.atkinson[at]
Unfortunately, there are no Stammtisch events yet in Weimar for French, Italian or Russian. If you feel there’s sufficient interest in another foreign language in Weimar and you would like to organise a Stammtisch, please let us know.
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