Gardens are places for experiencing with individual visions and experimenting with counter-designs that challenge the real world. They provide spaces to develop new ideas, test them out and expand upon with like-minded people. The results can be just as diverse and creative as the ideas of their original creators. The questions remain: How do we want to live? What moves us? And, above all, how can this vision of a garden be transformed into reality?
For the annual summaery2023 exhibition from 13 to 16 July, the university's students and teachers presented their ideas and discourses at 59 locations on campus and in the city on this year's motto »23:gardens«, which was developed in thematic leadership by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Approximately 4,500 visitors took the opportunity to explore the more than 180 projects and events.
The University Communications media team accompanied the annual exhibition with photos, video clips and live reports on Instagram. If you would like to object to the publication of a film or photo of yourself or your project, please contact us: » Contact Social Media Team
University President Prof. Peter Benz and students Lisanne Pieper, Jola Tausendfreund and Cosima Riese from the project »Kommunikationsverstärker« about this year's motto »23:gardens« and their plans for the annual exhibition.

summaery2023: Prof. Peter Benz im Gespräch
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The ideas in our summaery gardens want to see the light. Become a previewer and take a look at selected projects from our four faculties.
Next Generation Park
The two architecture students Wiebke Meyer and Joost Jansohn report on their semester project at the Professur Konstruktives Entwerfen und Tragwerkslehre.
7 | Freifläche 6 / outside 6 (hinter Kubus 1a)

summaery2023: Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
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Building with giant grass - Can bamboo save the construction sector?
At the Professur Stahl- und Hybridbau research assistant Henrieke Fritz is currently investigating the material properties of Italian bamboo. Together with Bachelor student Justus Neu, she reports on her research project and shows how the material properties of bamboo can help us in the construction sector in the future.
43 | Coudraystraße 4 - CIB

summaery2023: Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
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PostCompost - an interdisziplinary exhibition
Four students from the interdisciplinary project »PostCompost« of the Chair Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen show us how they transform the industrial ruin EOW into an ecological laboratory and thus develop their very own critical view of the renaturation of the site.
56 | Steinbrückenweg 5 - EOW

summaery2023: Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
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Master's students Pauline Künzl, Lauren August Semple and Lucie Pitters are investigating how we behave in virtual environments and what influence a digital environment has on our decisions. Here, the students are working together with the Chair of Digital Economics and a group of Media Management students.
55 | Schwanseestraße 143 - S143, VR Lab

summaery2023: Fakultät Medien
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Our two social media editors Nina Luderer and Marit Haferkamp are on the move at summaery2023 and posting live on Instagram.
A graphic design for »23:gardens«
What are the themes and motifs behind the graphics for summaery2023? Beatrice Girth and Frederik Sukop talk about the design idea behind the posters and media that are now visible everywhere. Beatrice Girth studies Visuelle Kommunikation and is the graphic designer for this year's summaery. Frederik Sukop teaches in the student Bauhaus.Module »Party101 - Claim Your Campus«, which is organising the Opening Party for the summaery.

summaery2023: Grafikerin Beatrice Girth im Gespräch
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Party 101 - Opening of summaery2023
Who is actually behind the opening party of the summaery? Frederik Sukop, one of the lecturers in the »Party101 - Claim Your Campus« project, tells us how event management has changed with the introduction of the Bauhaus.module and what the »101« in the name stands for.

summaery2023: Edition II
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