Students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar successful in the 36th Poster Competition of the Deutsches Studentenwerk (German National Association for Student Affairs - DSW)
Works by no less than three students of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art and Design, were chosen among the 29 best posters in the competition, which was held under the motto »Campus life digital«. Hanyi Kim took second place with her poster »Studying at Home«. Further awards went to Leela Dutta for »Behind the Scenes« and Hannes Naumann with his poster »In the Window«.
The DSW competition for the 36th time and, under the above motto, asked about the effects of pandemic digitalisation on different areas of student life. The award ceremony took place on Monday, 20 June 2022, at the Museum für Kommunikation in Berlin.
Second place for »Studying at Home« by Hanyi Kim
The jury of the contest awarded Hanyi Kim one of two second places and 2,000 euros in prize money. In her poster entitled »Studying at Home«, she illustrates her everyday life at the height of the pandemic. »›Studying at Home‹ shows me as a little worm moving through all the premises of my home, combining two locations or two activities that normally do not belong together,« she describes her graphic design. »My home turned into my workplace. As long as I had my laptop, mobile phone or tablet with me, I could study from practically any room and do other things in parallel - like cooking, doing the laundry, watching TV. What I found practical at the beginning, however, gradually became confining and complicated.«
»Behind the Scenes« by Leela Dutta among the 29 best posters

Leela Dutta's poster »Behind the Scenes« lets her imagination run wild about what goes on outside the webcam's field of vision, ›down below‹ as it were. »Fancy on top, free on the bottom, that was the motto of the last two years of online courses on the screen,« she describes her idea. »The poster alludes to the self-presentation of the participants of web conferences, who always appear well-groomed and professional. What is outside the virtual frame, however, usually remains a secret.« Her poster, in addition to the ›lounging pose in sweatpants‹, also shows fantastic mixed creatures, such as a mermaid or a centaur, but also sporty interludes in the form of a cyclist. Her poster was chosen among the 29 best submissions.
Hannes Naumann's design »Im Fenster« (In the Window) is also among those selected
Hannes Naumann's design entitled »In the Window« is also one of the 29 best posters. »The shift from colourful campus life into the digital often felt like a shaky juggling act in the wake of the Corona pandemic,« he describes his impressions. »Being creative in a confined space and not losing your nerve between tangled cables and error messages was definitely an experiment that I don't think any of us were really prepared for. My poster motif tries to capture this often also chaotic state with a wink.« And so he visually presses the sometimes chaotic life into the frame of an imaginary window.
A total of 692 poster designs from 384 design students from 46 state or state-recognised universities were admitted. A jury of five experts selected the best 29 designs. These will be on display from autumn 2022 to spring 2024 in a touring exhibition in the DSW facilities as well as in the Science Centre in Bonn.
All works were created in the winter semester 2021/22 in the course »Monday Telegram« under the direction of Masihne Rasuli, Artistic Associate at the Professorship Image-Text-Conception.
About the competition:
The poster competition of the DSW has been announced annually since 1987 and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Students from the degree programmes Graphic Design, Communication Design or Visual Communication who are enrolled at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible to participate.