A New Learning Centre: Science Discovery Centre Officially Opens in Weimar
Experimenting, exchanging ideas and learning with enthusiasm: The newly founded Science Discovery Centre at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s Marienstraße 7 welcomes children and youth to broaden their knowledge in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and gain professional inspiration. The Science Discovery Centre Weimar will be opening its doors to the public for the first time from 6 to 11 pm as part of the Long Night of Sciences on 15 November 2024.
What do noodles and marshmallows have to do with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? Constructive design skills, logic, understanding and — above all — fun, a was proven by Science Discovery Centre coordinators Dr. Elizabeth Watts and Aletta Böcker on opening day. »Our goal is to inspire enthusiasm in the fields of science and technology in a fun way and to provide young people with a space to experiment«, explains Dr. Elizabeth Watts from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Together with her colleague Aletta Böcker from the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory (MFPA), Dr. Watts will be will be running and expanding the Science Discovery Centre.
Careers in science and technology are in demand and offer a promising future. In addition to school lessons, the Science Discovery Centre Weimar will help young people develop a »Science Identity«. At around 60 square metres, there is space for up to 20 curious children from the fourth grade upwards. Outfitted with microscopes, IT equipment, experiment kits and multifunctional furniture, interested young scientists will be able experiment and explore in a comfortable environment. The space will be offering school class events, holiday programmes, and study and career planning events.
»It’s a priority and a pleasure for us to support students from Thuringia on campus and to show them the scientific projects that the university is working on. From Google algorithms and environmentally friendly building materials to robotics and 3D printing - anyone who wants to help shape the future can learn about it here at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. They might even implement their own primary ideas and then expand upon them later in a degree programme«, says President Prof. Peter Benz, encouraging school children and prospective students.
»The opening of the Science Discovery Centre in Weimar, a joint project between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory, is an important step in our plan to convey the fascination of mathematics, computer science, and engineering to children and youth at an early age. The Science Discovery Centre allows students to experience this for themselves through numerous experiments. Together with the schools in Weimar and the surrounding area, we have created a permanent hub to support interested children and youth«, says Prof Carsten Könke, Scientific Director of the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory Weimar.
Science Discovery Centre Weimar
Marienstraße 7B, Room 001
The Science Discovery Centre is a »Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen« and »MINT Thüringen« project in collaboration with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Materials Research and Testing Laboratory. The project is funded through the Ministry of »Bildung, Jugend und Sport«.
»Schülerforschungszentren« are spaces for children and youth who are enthusiastic about mathematics, computer science, the natural sciences, and technology (STEM). These centres allow children to carry out their own science projects, research, invent, and experiment. There are currently 117 »Schülerforschungszentren« in Germany. Thuringia is home to 13 of these centres, located in Weimar, Erfurt, Jena, Nordhausen, Schmalkalden, Ilmenau, Gera, Gotha, Greiz and Rohr.
For questions, please contact project coordinators Aletta Böcker, MFPA, and Dr. Elizabeth Watts, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, via e-mail: jugendforscht[at]uni-weimar.de