Cyber Week Presents University IT Services
From 21 to 25 October, university members have the chance to learn about the newest IT services offered by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar through two sessions each day in the University Library.
»As SCC, we have received feedback from employees indicating that they are definitely interested in technical developments. Our information channels, however, don’t always reach everyone and are often aimed at a more specialist group. This is where Cyber Week comes in — we want to give everyone the opportunity to understand technology and engage with it more confidently. We have the feeling that a lot of the mechanisms at the university are becoming more and more anonymous, and we want to consciously focus on having a physical presence with personal contact«, explains Luise Matthes, SCC employee and Cyber Week’s organiser.
Every morning at 10:30, there will be a »Quick 30«: One IT service will be presented each day in a shot, easily digestible format. Participants will learn more about Bauhaus.Chat, NextCloud, LinkedIn Learning, the digital library, and Libre Office, and can ask questions about these services.
This will be followed every afternoon by an »Explain it like I’m five« session; these sessions address complex topics in a simple and understandable way. How does a computer work? And how exactly does the university work? Prior knowledge is not required to join in and follow this exciting content.
The events have been organised by the Service Centre for Computer Systems and Communication (SCC) and are primarily aimed at employees working in administration and service departments, but all interested parties are welcome to join. Each event will be held at the University Library and has 15 spots. Participants can join without prior registration.
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