summaery2023: University President Prof. Peter Benz in Conversation
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar President Prof. Peter Benz speaks about this year’s motto, »23:gardens«, and offers his insights on the annual exhibition’s extensive programme in an interview with students Lisanne Pieper, Jola Tausendfreund and Cosima Riese. The three Architecture students also present the »Kommunikationsverstärker« project, which will be presented alongside other summaery20223 projects to mark the 100th anniversary of the first ever Bauhaus Exhibition.

summaery2023: Prof. Peter Benz im Gespräch
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Video: Marit Haferkamp und Nina-Marie Luderer / Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
The »Kommunikationsverstärker« project will be exhibited at Park an der Ilm between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Haus am Horn, as well as on the outdoor area between Prellerhaus and the Bauhaus.Atelier as part of summaery2023. Visitors are invited to explore the project’s modular components.
Further information the »Kommunikationsverstärker« project can be found here.