On Equal Footing: High School Graduates Ask – Uni Students Answer
Whether in Instagram or by e-mail – from June to October, students from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s Faculties of Media and Civil and Environment Engineering will be offering digital consultations for prospective students. What makes this unique? Any questions related to studying and applying to study will be answered by six Bachelor’s students. This offer is free of charge and aims to make starting a degree programme easier.
How important are strong maths and programming skills? How practice-oriented is studying in Weimar? Where is the best place to live? These are among the many questions that come up before starting university. Luckily, there are experienced students like Jo, Annika, Lilly, Jonah, Sarah and Jasmin who can help. Until the 2024/25 winter semester begins, prospective students can contact their future fellow students via Instagram or e-mail and ask any questions they may have about course content, the application process, and student life in Weimar.
First-Hand Information
By getting into direct contact with students, parents and prospective students are given a realistic impression of the academic and personal requirements for a university education. The focus of this initiative is on Bachelor degree programmes in Computer Science, Medienkultur, Europäische Medienkultur, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur]. Questions on the Master’s programmes offered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, however, are also welcome.
»Whether you’re interested in why the Bauhaus-Universität is an exciting place for German cultural and media studies, seeing what Weimar has to offer as a place to study and enjoy culture, or simply where you can enjoy a good cup of coffee – just send me a message!« says Bachelor’s student Jonah, encouragingly. Jasmin is another highly motivated student who is eager to hear your questions: »I’ve been studying in Weimar since October 2021 and I’ve settled in here quite well. I also had a number of questions at the beginning and was given some really great help, which is why I am here to help you now«, she explains.
Application Period is Open until 30 September
The application deadline for undergraduate Bachelor degree programmes in Civil Engineering, Management [Bau Immobilen Infrastruktur], Environmental Engineering, as well as Medienkultur and Computer Science is 30 September. The selection procedure for Bachelor degree programmes in Europäische Medienkultur ends on 15 July. Graduates interested in pursuing a Master’s degree in the Faculties of Media and Civil and Environment Engineering have until 30 September to register.
More information can be found here:
Students Provide Advice on Starting a Degree Programme
1 June to 31 October 2024
Faculty of Media
E-mail: studienstart@medien.uni-weimar.de
Website: www.uni-weimar.de/medien/studienstart
Instagram: @fakultaetmedien.insights
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
E-mail: studienstart[at]bauing.uni-weimar.de
Website: www.uni-weimar.de/bauing/studienstart
Instagram: @think.ing.bauhaus