Open.Ateliers: Participants Present Their Work at the End of the Bauhaus Summer School
Under the motto »Open.Ateliers«, the students of this year's Bauhaus Summer School will exhibit their work on 1 September, starting at 3 pm, and give visitors the opportunity to get to know their ideas, concepts and artistic works.
The respective exhibitions of the courses will be curated by the participants in close cooperation with the lecturers.
The exhibition marks the end of the Bauhaus Summer School 2023 and provides a festive framework for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange between students, lecturers and interested guests.
The course rooms will be open from 3 pm.
1 September 2023, 3 pm to 6 pm
Campus of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße