»Born to be Bauhaus 2020« Exhibition Finale
The closing events for the »Born to be Bauhaus« art award exhibition took place on 17 October, 2020 in the Eiermann Building in Apolda. Prize winners Samira Engel and Jakob Wirth presented their projects under the title »Shiny Glamour Fancy (s)Hit«.
Together with curators Andreas Lenz and Dr. Christiane Wolf, Samira Engel (Freie Kunst student) and Jakob Wirth (Public Art and New Artistic Strategies graduate) led a tour through the exhibition. The finale was accompanied by an open discussion on »Polarisation in Art«. »Parasite Residency« projects, organised by Jakob Wirth, were also on display during the exhibition. Over the course of a week, the ten participants enlightened one another in workshops.
The exhibition was brought to a close by Thuringian Minister for Culture, Federal and European Affairs, Prof. Dr. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff, President of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design, Prof. Wolfgang Kissel, as well as Managing Director of the IBA Thüringen, Dr. Marta Doehler-Behzadi.
A KTW KulturTragWerk e.V. Weimar exhibition in cooperation with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Modernist Archive. Funded through support from the Thuringian State Foundation, the Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V., Campari and the Röstbrüder.
Further information on the »Born to be Bauhaus« art prize can be found here:
Prize winner Samira Engel:
Prize winner Jakob Wirth:
Eine Ausstellung des KTW KulturTragWerk e.V. Weimar in Kooperation mit dem Archiv der Moderne der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Mit Unterstützung der Thüringer Staatskanzlei, der Kulturstiftung Thüringen, des Freundeskreises der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V., Campari und den Röstbrüdern.
Weitere Informationen zum Kunstpreis »Born to be Bauhaus«
Preisträgerin Samira Engel:
Preisträger Jakob Wirth: