


Never-Never Land Love Will Tear Us A Party

"Do you know the place between sleeping and waking? The place where your dreams are still with you? That's where I'll love you forever, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting for you." Jonah Martensen invites you into a room of encounters. "I'll be there. There will be food and drink. A few minutes and openness - that's all you need. I look forward to seeing you. Being with others: that enriches and demands a lot. That's what it's all about." Full-day performance on July 11 more

  • Begin: 10:00 am
  • End: 07/12/2024 00:00 am

Lost Voices of Resistance - Bizim Radyo Verlorene Stimmen des Widerstands - Bizim Radyo

Das Masterprojekt von Kaya Peters im Studiengang Medienkunst / Mediengestaltung an der Professur für Experimentelles Radio ist eine wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit dem unsichtbaren Erbe des Senders Bizim Radyo in Leipzig. Dafür wurde ein dokumentarisches Hörspiel aus den Biografien einiger Mitarbeiter*innen und weiterem Archivmaterial entwickelt und produziert, mit der Bestrebung, die verlorenen Stimmen wieder hörbar zu machen. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 07/12/2024 18:00 pm
  • Location: Glaskasten der Limona, 6. Etage (nur über Treppe zu erreichen) - Steubenstr. 8

Unlearning Fear/Embodying Love! - Opening Ceremony & Performances UNLEARNING FEAR/ EMBODYING LOVE!

Six participatory and transformative rituals and performances for mutual care in times of social challenges 11 July // 7 pm Opening ceremony and inauguration of the utopian tent with music and drinks 12.7.//13.7. performances and participatory happenings daily from 2pm to 8pm more

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 07/14/2024 16:00 pm
  • Location: Wiese zwischen VdV und Hauptgebäude, Ecke Campus Office

Video Archive Live Distortion Brain Massage Bildet Banden

Video Archive Live Distortion Brain Massage" is an immersive audiovisual performance that merges retro video archives with real-time visual distortions and live synthesized audio. This project is designed to create a surreal, hypnotic experience where archived footage is transformed into a pulsating, sensory "brain massage" through the interplay of visuals and sound. more

  • Begin: 21:00 pm
  • End: 07/12/2024 00:00 am
  • Location: M1 Treppenhaus


Guided tour - FREE_IT - AR Monuments for Diversity in Weimar FREE_IT - AR-Denkmäler für Vielfalt in Weimar

As part of the "Free_It" project sponsored by the "Strengthening Democracy" initiative, students from the Faculty of Media will give a tour of the augmented reality monuments they have designed in Weimar. more

  • Begin: 11:00 am
  • End: 12:00 pm
  • Location: FOYER des Hauptgebäudes der Bauhaus-Universität, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8, 99423 Weimar

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

Video Feedback 1.0 Video Feedback 1.0

Video Feedback 1.0 is a project aimed at creating abstract worlds by pointing a video capturing device at its own output. In a balancing act between chaos and stasis, with multiple variables at play, a state of controlled system excitement is sought. The feedback loops in the installation are continuously monitored and adjusted. Visitors have the chance to influence them with their own input. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 07/14/2024 22:00 pm
  • Location: Marienstraße 5 Kellergeschoss

Wie wollen wir frei sein? OLN | Wie wollen wir frei sein?

Die Frage nach dem Wert von Freiheit ist eng mit Vorstellungen von Demokratie und Mitbestimmung verknüpft. Im Modul "Wie wollen wir frei sein ?", sind Studierende mit Menschen im ländlichen Thüringen ins Gespräch gekommen und haben über Lebensbedingungen, Bedürfnisse sowie Sorgen gesprochen. Gemeinsam mit Akteur*innen aus Apolda diskutierten sie unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf Freiheiten, beleuchteten Orte und deren Freiheit und schufen Situationen der Freiheitswunschproduktion. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: Noch nicht festgelegt

Parcour Accessibility SMQ3 | City and Traffic (Projekt) - Campus Coudraystraße

The course makes it possible to experience the challenges faced by people with mobility impairments. It recreates everyday mobility situations for wheelchair users, users of long canes and people with visual impairments. Obstacles such as uneven surfaces, kerbs or road crossings challenge the participants and raise awareness of the need for accessibility. The aim is to promote an understanding of obstacles and inclusive design. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: Nördliches Ende der Coudraystraße draußen

Experience science: Science Mile Q3 street festival SMQ3 | 300 Meter Wissenschaft - Straßenfest SCIENCE MILE Q3

Experiments, open labs, guided tours - for summaery2024, we are bringing science to the streets and celebrating a colorful festival for young and old with beer, burgers and beats. From 1 pm, Coudraystraße will be transformed into a lively experimental laboratory. From a giant djenga, Rober's dog "Spot" to hands-on activities for the whole family - there's something for everyone! Visitors can also find out more about the future of construction in the adjacent laboratories. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Coudraystraße 4 bis 13 / Straßenfest

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 15:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

Patience - 1st exercise in anti-capitalist resistance Geduld - 1. Übung im antikapitalistischen Widerstand

This participatory performance invites you to stop in the garden, switch off your mobile phone and do nothing. While an ice cube melts in the palm of your hand, you might open yourself towards your sensory perceptions and let time pass. All participants awaits a surprise, inspired by the women's workers' slogan "Bread and Roses" - A woman worker needs bread, but she needs roses too. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: Garten der Bauhaus-Str. 15, 99423 Weimar

Designkonzepte zum Spielen Designkonzepte zum Spielen

Die Teilnehmer*innen des Seminars "Spielregeln des Designs" laden dazu ein, die im Kurs entstandenen Spiele vor der M18 (Café S140) zu testen. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: vor der M18 (Café S140)

I Puke. Now There's Something Else on the Table - Performances I Puke. Now There's Something Else on the Table.

Presentation of Performances // / 15:30 - Katharina Langenhan [no title] / / 15:45 - Cleo Kwan [Relationship] / / 16:00 - Mahla Mosah [Are You Watching?] / / 16:15 - Jodie Luk [Standup Comedy] / / 16:30 - Shan Yu [Flavor-Test] / / 16:45 - Mira Emmerling [Nice to Hear from You] / / 17:15 - Thalie Berrier [no title] / more

  • Begin: 15:30 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

Release PORT24 / 204 Type-Gazette PORT24 | Clone Issue

PORT-Gazette tells the story of Rusty, a small steam engine who dreams of becoming a champion racer. In a thrilling race, she competes against the modern, highly developed electric tugboat Electra. The production captivates with spectacular writing. PORT-Gazette captivates its audience with rousing songs and a gripping story that deals with timeless themes such as love, courage and self-discovery. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm
  • Location: Freifläche vor dem Hauptgebäude und M18

Release PORT24 / 204 Type-Gazette 204 Type-Gazette

PORT-Gazette tells the story of Rusty, a small steam engine who dreams of becoming a champion racer. In a thrilling race, she competes against the modern, highly developed electric tugboat Electra. The production captivates with spectacular writing. PORT-Gazette captivates its audience with rousing songs and a gripping story that deals with timeless themes such as love, courage and self-discovery. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm
  • Location: Freifläche vor dem Hauptgebäude und M18

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not. more

  • Begin: 16:30 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

ALUMNI-PROGRAMM | exklusive Führungen Alumni zur summaery2024

13 – 18 Uhr | SCIENCE MILE Q3 der Fakultät Bau und Umwelt | 17 Uhr | exklusive Führung durch die Labore und zum Energy Hub | Treffpunkt: Coudraystraße 11 (FIB) 17 – 22 Uhr | Open Lab Night der Fakultät Medien | 17.30 Uhr | exklusive Führung »Open Lab Night« | Treffpunkt: Schwanseestraße 143, Eingang 17 Uhr | Bauhaus-Spaziergang Alumni spezial | Treffpunkt: Bauhaus.Atelier, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6a more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

Exhibition opening and award ceremony LYONEL ART AWARD 2024 LYONEL KUNSTPREIS 2024

The award ceremony will take place at 6 pm. This year's jury, consisting of Dr. Jenny Graser (Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin), Andrea Karle (Kulturstiftung Thüringen, Gotha), Julia Rosenbaum (ROSENBAUM Art Advisory, Berlin), has drawn up the following shortlist (in alphabetical order): Maria Fabricius Wendt, Till Roettjer, Simon Surjasentana, Rio Usui more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 20:00 pm
  • Location: Berkaer Str. 11

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

Premiere: Ep. 1 "Tuso2" *Kunst Sozial Konglomerat*

tuso is a pretending tv-reality tuso is watching them who lost reality tuso imagined yourself in reality tuso is a product of filming a different reality more

  • Begin: 20:15 pm
  • End: 20:35 pm
  • Location: Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6

Konzert von "Panik" *Kunst Sozial Konglomerat*

„We lost the rythm We lost the beat We lost the melody We found a noise We are panicked „panik“ is a threesome of whiney people, complaining via sound. It is accidentally funny and invites to leave the party. A collection of analogue and digital mini-synthesizers, drum- and kick- generators provide a juicy bassline and a platform for performative exploration through electronic music genres. It could be danceable and it could be something you wouldn’t necessarily hear.“ more

  • Begin: 20:45 pm
  • End: 21:35 pm
  • Location: Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6


Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

Überkochen Embodiment Toolkit

Experience „Überkochen“, a durational performance installation that explores pressure, frustration, and administrative processes. Eight whistling kettles on individual hot plates set the stage. Visitors are invited to apply for hot beverages and navigate a maze of pressure process, while the official Herr Munske stamps, types, smokes, complains, serves tea, waits, prints, and rearranges kettles. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstr. 15 / Cinema Room

Podiumsdiskussion Thüringen Bevor es Kippt Finishing the Puzzles - Thüringen in 1500 Teilen

The local elections in Thuringia and the European elections have made it clear that the AfD is still on the rise. According to election polls, the AfD could even become the strongest force in the Thuringian state parliament. Progressive forces are struggling to find explanations and are wondering what awaits us in Thuringia in the second half of the year. We want to discuss this with our panel: With Martin Debes, Dominik Intelman, "Antifascist and Antiracist Council Thuringia" more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 14:00 pm
  • Location: kulturSCHAUFENSTER, Friedensstraße 2, Weimar & im Radio auf & Radio Lotte 106.6 MhZ

Finissage Queens of Structure - Finissage

Zur Finissage laden wir alle Interessierte ein auf einzelne Biografien einen genaueren Blick zu werfen. Wir werden Interviewbeiträge vortragen und laden das Publikum in einer Open-Mic-Session dazu ein, kleine Beiträge aus thematisch passender Literatur vorzulesen. Gemeinsam wollen wir zum Finale der Ausstellung über die Pionierinnen, Vorbilder, das Bauingenieurwesen und Begriffen wie der "Gläsernen Decke" ins Gespräch kommen. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 15:00 pm

Let's Build a Home Embodiment Toolkit

Join us to connect and collaborate. Partner with a stranger to co-create a shared space, exploring boundaries, proximity, and togetherness. With flexible instructions, decide on space, accessibility, enclosure, and height—roof or open sky? Reflect on choices and personal boundaries. Enjoy a conversation and tea in your space. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

ALUMNI-PROGRAMM | Touren Alumni zur summaery2024

13 Uhr | Entdeckungstour Experimentelle Werkstätten | 14 Uhr | Bauhaus-Spaziergang Alumni spezial | 15 Uhr | Campustour mit den Bauhausbotschafter*innen | 16 Uhr | Entdeckungstour Experimentelle Werkstätten | Treffpunkt: Bauhaus.Atelier, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6a | more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 15:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

bauHOF - Programme Bauhaus trifft bauHOF

14 bis 15 Uhr Eröffnung und Kuratorenführung | 14:30 bis 17:30 Uhr Kaffeeklatsch deluxe | 14:30 bis 19 Uhr Die 13 Zünfte des bauHOFs | 15 bis 17 Uhr Exkursion zu Quellen, Bächen und Teichen um Niedergrunstedt mit Dr. Kurt Ruegg | 20 bis 21 Uhr Jazz, Punk, freie Improvisation und Spoken Word mit Sebastian der Saubere und Söhne | 18 bis 24 Uhr Naturwein mit Musik more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 07/14/2024 00:00 am

  • Obergrunstedter Straße 7 - bauHOF, 99428 Weimar
  • Location: 99428 Weimar

Kaffeeklatsch deluxe. Bauhaus trifft bauHOF

An einer langen Tafel kredenzen wir selbstgebackene Köstlichkeiten und koffeinhaltige Schmakazien in unserem POP UP Café. more

  • Begin: 14:30 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm

  • Obergrunstedter Straße 7 - bauHOF, .
  • Location: .

Exercises for Aesthetic-Experiences. Embodiment Toolkit

How can we overcome the separations of subject/object-relationships, between us and the world around us? Aesthetic-experiences are characterized by their strong bond between the perceiving subject and the perceived object - which is lifted out of the noise of experience, filled with meaning and interwoven with the subject. This Project developed guided perception exercises that lead participants into fabricated aesthetic-experiences, where they can experiment with merging with their environment. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 15:30 pm

Patience / Doing nothing Embodiment Toolkit

1st exercise in anti-capitalist resistance This participatory performance invites you to stop in the garden, switch off your mobile phone and do nothing. While an ice cube melts in the palm of your hand, you might open yourself towards your sensory perceptions and let time pass. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

Patience - 1st exercise in anti-capitalist resistance Geduld - 1. Übung im antikapitalistischen Widerstand

This participatory performance invites you to stop in the garden, switch off your mobile phone and do nothing. While an ice cube melts in the palm of your hand, you might open yourself towards your sensory perceptions and let time pass. All participants awaits a surprise, inspired by the women's workers' slogan "Bread and Roses" - A woman worker needs bread, but she needs roses too. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Garten der Bauhaus-Str. 15, 99423 Weimar

Fotowalk der Fotografie The Digital Gaze: Studio Photography and Algorithmic Insights

Der Fotowalk vereint alle Projekte, die während dieses Semesters im Bereich Fotografie entstanden sind. Dazu gehören die beiden Projektmodule „MULTIPERSPEKTIVITÄT“ und „Bücher über Bücher“, das freie Projekt „Bildfeld“ sowie das Fachmodul „The Digital Gaze“. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: 2.Obergeschoss - Marienstraße 1b

Designkonzepte zum Spielen Designkonzepte zum Spielen

Die Teilnehmer*innen des Seminars "Spielregeln des Designs" laden dazu ein, die im Kurs entstandenen Spiele vor der M18 (Café S140) zu testen. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: vor der M18 (Café S140)

„Gehen“ participatory walking performance by and with Tine Metka Walking Lab

I hold pen and paper in my hands, start walking. The rhythm of my steps alone creates a line on the sheet. Drawing and walking merge into one process, into an artistic movement. The discontinuous line of my feet becomes a continuous one. The beginning can no longer be separated from the end. Every day I document one of my routes in this way.2 “Gehen (Performance)” is an invitation to set off together. If we walk the same path, how will our lines differ? more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: Begin Marienstrasse 14, Raum 221

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

SILENT WALK - nearly naked Walking Lab

don`t talk, don`t think, just walk. by Agathe Salva, Freie Kunst Henriette Fridoline Schmidt, Medienkunst (M.F.A) Inspired by nature Inspired by culture Inspired by the deep desire to be alone together more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: Start: Bauhaus Universität Weimar Marienstrasse 14 Raum 221

I'm not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not. more

  • Begin: 16:30 pm
  • End: 07/13/2023 17:30 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

Exercises for Aesthetic-Experiences. Embodiment Toolkit

How can we overcome the separations of subject/object-relationships, between us and the world around us? Aesthetic-experiences are characterized by their strong bond between the perceiving subject and the perceived object - which is lifted out of the noise of experience, filled with meaning and interwoven with the subject. This Project developed guided perception exercises that lead participants into fabricated aesthetic-experiences, where they can experiment with merging with their environment. more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm

ALUMNI-SEKTEMPFANG mit der Neo-Soul-Newcomerin Teeya Lamée Alumni zur summaery2024

Zum traditionellen Alumni-Sektempfang 17 Uhr heißen wir Sie herzlich willkommen! In diesem Jahr mit der Neo-Soul-Newcomerin Teeya Lamée und Band aus Leipzig... more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: am Bauhaus.Atelier

Mother, Me, The Other *Kunst Sozial Konglomerat*

The work "Mother, Me, The Other" consists of a performance and the resulting video installation. The performance explores the dynamic relationship between (single) mothers* and their daughters*. Excerpts from the entire performance will be presented by Vanessa Kahl, a student of Time-Based Arts at BURG Halle, and Kaya Leonie Pilsner, a student of Fine Arts at Bauhaus University Weimar. more

  • Begin: 17:30 pm
  • End: 17:50 pm
  • Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7 - Van-de-Velde-Bau, HP05

Symposium Reflexion

The symposium "Reflextion" deals with the professional self-image of architects today, yesterday and in the future. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 20:00 pm
  • Location: Oberlichtsaal, Hauptgebäude

Plakate und Drinks Reflexion

Join us for a drink and further discussion immediately following the "Reflexion" Symposium. We'll also unveil our new poster on the theme. more

  • Begin: 20:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm
  • Location: Im Hof hinter dem Hauptgebäude.

ALUMNI-PROGRAMM | Lesung »ELSEˈS STORY. Die Vorgeschichte« Alumni zur summaery2024

Lesung »ELSEˈS STORY. Die Vorgeschichte« im Bauhaus.Atelier mit Dr. Katrin Richter, Alumna Medienkultur und Stellv. Direktorin der Universitätsbibliothek | Katrin Richters biografischer Roman erzählt die wahre Geschichte von der 1898 in Berlin geborenen Else Goldschmidt, der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt. Die Lesung widmet sich der Vermittlung des von Brüchen und Krisen geprägten Lebens von Else Goldschmidt, die die emanzipierte Frau der Weimarer Republik verkörpert. more

  • Begin: 20:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhaus.Atelier, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6a

Konzertperformance Sebastian und Söhne Bauhaus trifft bauHOF

Sebastian und Söhne ist eine Bauhaus- und Hfm-Fusion. Ach was, eine Kernfusion aus Jazz, Punk, freier Improvisation und Spoken Word! Erzählungen mit vermeintlicher Tiefgründigkeit, die aus einem Fiebertraum kommen könnten oder auch mal stumpfes Gebelle. Jedes Konzert klingt anders als das vorige, jeder Zufall ist geplant. Freut euch auf Laktoboy, Zöliakie- Daddy, mysteriöse Bergeier und auf den Automaten bei der Postbank. Freut euch auf Sebastian und Söhne! more

  • Begin: 20:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm

  • Obergrunstedter Straße 7 - bauHOF, .
  • Location: .

Summer Reel 2024 Summer Reel 2024

Das Summerreel ist ein Festival für Filmkunst, das von Studierenden der Bauhaus Universität Weimar organisiert wird. Jedes Jahr arbeitet ein Team von Studierenden an diesem besonderen Event und entwickelt ein einzigartiges Konzept. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Werke und Künstler*innen, die die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Arbeiten zu präsentieren. Das Festival bietet einen Raum für kreative Präsentationen und Begegnungen. more

  • Begin: 21:30 pm
  • End: 23:30 pm
  • Location: Theaterplatz


Sunday of Sonic Arts im Festsaal (Fürstenhaus) SONOPTICUM. Sunday of Sonic Arts and New Music

Sunday of Sonic Arts in Fürstenhaus, is a special day of collaborations between sound departments in Bauhaus & HfM. Weimar Sound Studies Student Community welcomes you to join this day of shared experiences of wide perspective on sonic arts in Weimar. We will start with an open Jam Breakfast, continue with Acousmatic Siesta, Installations and Evening of Live Performances. Detailed program to be announced! more

  • Begin: 11:00 am
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Platz der Demokratie 2 - FÜRSTENHAUS, Festsaal
  • Location: Festsaal

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

I’m not a robot - Performance Laundry Day Reverie

Your "Human Artist Avatar" (HAA) is online. It’s your turn to prove your humanity to the life-size captcha automat. While you do have full freedom to create and continue shaping the installation room, the automat AI will be watching and judging. To finally classify you as human… or not. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 13:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhausstraße 15, Keller

Face Painting Klasse Dahlem - Skulptur, Objekt, Installation

Open face painting for everyone interested - kids and adults! Any motifs (including your own) are possible and there is glitter!!! more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: Auf dem Hof vor dem Raum 002, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, direkt bei der Bar

Tour on the exhibition "What do cities have to do with human rights?" What do cities have to do with human rights?

Students will present their final projects on the topic of human rights in Weimar, focusing on accessibility, LQBTQIA+ rights, and challenges faced by non-EU students. Visitors are encouraged to ask questions and join the discussion. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 14:30 pm
  • Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building, 2nd floor between the rooms 204 and 205.

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 15:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

Designkonzepte zum Spielen Designkonzepte zum Spielen

Die Teilnehmer*innen des Seminars "Spielregeln des Designs" laden dazu ein, die im Kurs entstandenen Spiele vor der M18 (Café S140) zu testen. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: vor der M18 (Café S140)

Finissagebar - cast on knitting culture Easy Easy

We celebrate the exhibition's finissage of the project module "cast on knitting culture" with selected drinks & easy music. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: 008/Hofseite

Finissagebar - cast on knitting culture feat. Easy Easy cast on knitting culture

We celebrate the finissage of the exhibition of the project module "cast on knitting culture" with selected drinks & simple music. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: VdV 008/Hofseite

Soulmachine - with the future cab through Weimar Soulmachine - mit dem Zukunfstaxi durch Weimar

Experience autonomous driving today - interactive performance drive through Weimar. Duration: 50 minutes. 5 seats per ride. Book your appointment online in advance! The first Weimar cab of the future catapults the audience right into the heart of the digital transformation. In this interactive theater piece with Lajos Talamonti, passengers communicate with a simulated "artificial intelligence" that controls the ride. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm
  • Location: Bushaltestelle Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8 / Ecke Bauhausstraße

Finissage Screening - Beyond the Screens

Join the last screening of "Beyond the Screens", an urban media art project that explores the potential of large-scale urban screens and media facades to visualize ecological phenomena and make climate change tangible in public spaces. Works done by Media Architecture/Media Art students throughout the semester include one-minute video art aiming to highlight beyond-human ecologies and foster public consciousness at the intersection of art, science, and technology. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhaus Digital Lab (ground floor)

10 years LUCIA! 10 Jahre LUCIA!

For a decade, the student initiative - LUCIA Verlag has stood for innovative and inspiring publications that represent the creative work of the Bauhaus University and beyond. On 14 July 2024, we want to celebrate this milestone together with you. From 5 p.m. we distribute a glass of sparkling wine to the reception at the Mascha, with which we then toast promptly at 6 p.m. You can also expect a rebranding and an award ceremony for various publications and authors! more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 07/15/2024 00:00 am
  • Location: Mascha Weimar - Schützengasse 2

SONOPTICUM, concert evening in two blocks SONOPTICUM. Sunday of Sonic Arts and New Music

SONOPTICUM. The concert evening of collaborations between sound departments of BU & HfM. Sunday of Sonic Arts & New Music in Fürstenhaus, is a special day of collaborations between sound departments in Bauhaus & HfM. Weimar Sound Studies Student Community welcomes you to join this day of shared experiences of wide perspective on sonic arts in Weimar. more

  • Begin: 17:30 pm
  • End: 20:30 pm
  • Location: Festsaal, Fürstenhaus, HfM, Platz der Demokratie 2/3.


Das Graue Tuch - eine farbintensive 360° Fulldome Show DAS GRAUE TUCH - Immersives Musiktheater im Planetarium

Guests of the immersive performance in the planetarium are taken around the world in a luxurious airship, accompanying Edgar Krug, a famous glass architect, and his organ-playing wife Clara on their honeymoon. more

  • Begin: 19:30 pm
  • End: 23:00 pm
  • Location: Zeiss-Planetarium Jena, Am Planetarium 5, 07743 Jena