Circle of Life – This year's motto of the annual exhibition summaery2014 at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar invites students and teachers of all disciplines to reconsider cycles in social, natural and global contexts.
Between 10 and 13 July 2014, participants and visitors can look forward to fascinating installations, moving presentations and stimulating exhibitions on a tour of the workshops, laboratories and studios, and gain new insights into the works of the past academic year.
The motto of the summaery2014, "Circle of Life", originated in a project supervised by Prof. Hintzer and Prof. Hüfner (Experimental Television) in the Faculty of Media. A team of twelve Media Art/Media Design students developed the motto which will serve as the basis for various actions during the annual exhibition. Katharina Bonk, Arvid Neid, Nelina Kraycheva and Eric Birnbaum artistically interpreted the idea of blood circulation through photography.
BEGINS 10 July 2014
4 pm opening tour with Djanovis, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8, outside
7 pm opening festivities in front of the main building
MUSIC: Noë | Berlin, Cartesian vs. DJ Pryme | Weimar und Comixxx | Berlin
LIGHT and SHOW: Demxer, Photon – Laser und zündkollektiv – Pyro
The summaery of the past years:
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