For the first time ever, the summaery2014 features a special app to keep visitors up-to-date with the latest news and information on all the projects, events and locations.
Can’t find your summaery map? No problem, because now we offer a digital assistant to help you find what you’re looking for. Simply install our practical summaery app on your smartphone! The iOS and Android-compatible apps are available as free downloads from their respective stores. If you use a different operating system (e.g. Windows Phone, Blackberry, etc.), you can simply download our summaery app online.
Scroll through all the projects featured at the summaery2014 and select your personal favourites – that way you can stay on top of things and never miss a Highlight.
With the practical map function, this app can help you find your way through the summaery jungle. It shows you which venues are nearby and what is being exhibited in each building.
We kindly ask you to participate in the programme to improve our app. We naturally anonymise all collected information before analysis.
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