More than 800 participants in the »Long Night of academic writing«
More than 800 participants in 27 countries logged on to the 6th Long Night of academic writing on June 4th 2020 to follow the University’s first large scale event in a digital form. The live stream alone, with its ambitious panel »In search oft he right tone«, the exciting Open Reading (in cooperation with the German National Theater Weimar) and the amazing concerts by music students and the student initiative Tonraum, was followed by almost 300 people at once, some of which stayed all evening. Online courses and chats also provided an opportunity for spirited exchange on writing, language and speech. Being able to be present in several virtual rooms at once in order to not miss anything, or to jump in at any time, is a positive effect, as is continuing current issues and services beyond the »Long Night«.
Extensive feedback reached the organisation team even during and immediately after the Open-Your-Mind-event, ranging from »pro digital night« over »wonderful mix of live streams and prerecords« to »these readings are a wonderful idea« and »I’m still feeling all inspired the morning after the Long Night«.
At this point we would like to sincerely thank all contributors and supporters for successfully bringing the event, organized by Bauhaus Research School, the University Library and the eLab, to life this year, despite the corona calamity, and thus having it serve as an example for future digital events.
You can download the programme (pdf-document) here.
Ophelia Ariadne * Larissa Barth * Miriam Benteler * Celina Berghaus * Stepan Boldt * Peter Braun * James Brooks * Bernd Büsser * Zaryab Chaudhry * Paul Debus * Martijn Dendievel * Frank Eckardt * Jutta Emes * Lukas Fischer * Martha Flamm * Berit Friederike Andrees * Rebecca Galley * Johanna Geißler * Daniel Gracz * Max Welch Guerra * Nahuel Häfliger * Fabian Hagendorn * Ivonne Hartmann * Flo Hasenfuß * Tahera Hashemi * Carolin Hauspurg * Steffi Heine * Marion Hensel * Christina Herrich * Rainer Hoppe * Dana Horch * Sabrina Hösch * Hartmut Hotzel * Anke Kästner * Saeed Khoury * Babett Kiesewetter * Thomas Kramer * Alena Kroker * Ulrike Kuch * Kevin Lang * Bernd Lange * Ricarda Löser * Luise Lubk * Ute Mai * Julius Maier * Konstaninos Margaris * Daniela Marzavan * Franziska Matthes * Steven Mehlhorn * Philipp Montenegro * Georg Müller * Luca Munteanu * Jad Murad * Simona Noreik * Philipp Otto * Jörg Paulus * Anna Perepechai * Dulmini Perera * Yvonne Puschatzki * Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez * Katrin Richter * Stefanie Röhl * Paulina Rübenstahl * Dean Ruddock * Sonja Schieke * Dirk Schmidt * Klaus Schmitz-Gielsdof * Daniel Schneidler * Luca Schuldt * Frank Simon-Ritz * Nathalie Singer * Sarah Spitzer * Isabel Tetzner * Tobias Tolk * Janus Torp * Ines Toscano * Jens-Uwe Wagner * Eric Wallis * Lilli Walter * Bruno Walz * Timm Weber * Elise Felicitas Weiland * Monique Weinert * Paula Willert * Anna Windmüller * Meeta Wolff * Ruven Wolff
Bauhaus Research School ∗ Careers Service ∗ eLab ∗ Equal Opportunity Office ∗ Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism ∗ Faculty of Art and Design ∗ Faculty of Media ∗ Office of Student and Academic Affairs ∗ SCC ∗ Service Centre of Facility Management ∗ StudierendenKonvent ∗ University Library ∗ University Communications ∗ University Sports Centre
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar ∗ Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar ∗ Schreibzentrum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ∗ Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Baror International, Inc. New York ∗ Prof. Dr. Claudia Brunner ∗ Karl Rauch Verlag Düsseldorf ∗ Kein & Aber Zürich ∗ Konstanz University Press ∗ Lukas Verlag Berlin ∗ Dr. Gerda Panofsky ∗ ROOFMusic Bochum ∗ Rowohlt Hamburg ∗ Spektrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH Heidelberg/Berlin ∗ Springer Spektrum Wiesbaden ∗ Syndikat Autoren- und Verlagsgesellschaft Frankfurt/M. ∗ Theaterverlag Jussenhoven & Fischer Köln ∗ transcript Verlag Bielefeld
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