summaery2023: Projects

KUNSTFELSEN - Architekturen der Kohabitation: Die Rolle der gebauten Umwelt im Erhalt urbaner Biodiversität

Project information

submitted by
Alejandra Ahrend Cruz, Joanne Elliott

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Des. Bernd Rudolf, Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schütz, M.Sc. Atidh Jonas Langbein

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
Final project

Winter semester 2022/23

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • – ONLINE –

Project description

Cross-species cohabitation in settlement areas has been a present phenomenon ever since mankind started to settle down, to practise agriculture and to build the first city-like structures. Since then, animals have found food and shelter in buildings and their immediate surroundings as cultural successors of humans. As an integral part of our built reality, other species such as birds and bats are rarely or never considered in architectural design processes. Yet urban biodiversity is one of our most important allies in times of man-made climate change.

KUNSTFELSEN is an interdisciplinary project that researches, educates and enlightens at the interface of architecture and species conservation. In the form of a handbook, it provides food for thought on how we as planners can think about our animal co-inhabitants in the city and create habitats for them instead of destroying them. From animal ethics, scientific findings on species extinction, building legislation to a detailed planning guide with species-inclusive construction details for various building methods, the book is aimed at those who want to change the building industry in a sustainable and holistic way.

We are currently working on the publication of the book, so stay tuned & make a difference with us!

Exhibition Location / Event Location