summaery2023: Projects

Chemnitz - European Capital of Culture Culture as an impulse for a democratic civil society?

Project information

submitted by
Lilian Metz

Helena Gabriele Bogner, Jonas Böttger, Julia Rebecca Dahrendorf, Anna Dietrich, Amelie Paulina Geiger, Dorothea Gottschall, Louisa Simone Marie Helmrich, Simon Julian Jenö Kajdi, Roberta Sophia Victoria Keding, Tanja Klaus, Jannik Erwin Krieger, Tom Kühnel, Anna-Sophie Leipfinger, Maya Eleanor Lenke, Florian Max Litzelmann, Leander Rajiv Lucas, Simon Benedikt Mayer, Lilian Metz, Rosa Malina Pape, Luca Liese Ritter, Hannah Roer, Moritz Schmeil, Freya Samira Schubert, Laura Semper, Tsz Chung So, Leonie Emilia Monika Sommer, Theresa Speh, Viola Stenzhorn, Tomás Szielasko Valente Alves, Marie Weber, Zoé Anne Werner, Anna Yeshchenko

Felix Lackus, Lisa Hetmank

Architecture and Urbanism

Degree programme:
Urban Planning (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Urban Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building
    ((Raum 110))

Project description

In 2025, Chemnitz will be European Capital of Culture. The EU's European Capitals of Culture program aims, among other things, to strengthen cultural diversity and a sense of common European belonging. Winning the title should also help cities boost tourism or shed a negative image. The bid's motto, "C the Unseen - European Makers of Democracy," also responds to the events of August 2018, when mass right-wing authoritarian mobilizations and violent riots by far-right extremists put the city of Chemnitz in the headlines nationwide and internationally.

Can the projects of the European Capital of Culture have a lasting positive influence on the development of Chemnitz and the urban society? Can the European Capital of Culture contribute to strengthening democratic coexistence and social cohesion? In our exhibition, we critically examined the program of the Capital of Culture, provide an insight into the current and historical Chemnitz urban society, analyze some of the Capital of Culture projects and present our own concepts for 2025.


Midisage - Kulturhauptstadt Chemnitz - Kultur als Impuls für eine demokratische Zivilgesellschaft?: Veranstaltung bearbeiten Kulturhauptstadt Chemnitz - Kultur als Impuls für eine demokratische Zivilgesellschaft?

Schaut vorbei in unserem Maker Hub! Wir wollen mit euch über Chemnitz, die Kulturhauptstadt und “Kultur als Impulsgeber für eine demokratische Zivilgesellschaft” ins Gespräch kommen! Es gibt Sekt, Tischkicker, Ausmalbilder und viele spannende Audios aus Chemnitz.

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm