summaery2023: Projects

Porn to be queer_feminist

Project information

submitted by

Hanna, Thalie, Finn, Lilli, Paul, Caro, Ina, Michel

Ina Weise, Franka, Nathalie, Hanna, Ina, Finn

Architecture and Urbanism,
Art and Design,

Degree programme:
Architecture (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Urban Planning (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Urban Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)),
– Other –

Type of project presentation
Final project

Summer semester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building
    (im Foyer des Hauptgebäudes//in the foyer of the main building)

Participation in the Bauhaus.Modules

Participation in the Centennial »23:ideas«

Queerfilmfestival Weimar, Queer Pornfilmfestival Leipzig

Project description

What is the subversive potential of queer_feminist pornography and how can queer_feminist porn challenge and break down patriarchal structures in our everyday lives? How can queer_feminist porn help us to question and break down the (re)production of normative identity markers (body, race, class, gender, age, etc.)?

The starting point for this is an analysis of the characteristics, functions and mechanisms of action and power of porn on an individual and societal level, as well as an examination of intersectional queer_feminist struggles and their history. Here, we will engage with theories from trans and gender studies in terms of content. We will examine how patriarchal and sexist structures prevail and continue to be maintained in our society, and how this can be subverted through the cinematic method. Porn is here a means of self-empowerment and reversal, or of breaking down power relations, discourses of domination, and "socially specific forms of knowledge." The focus here is on reflecting on and empowering one's own identity characteristics and gendered identities.
We can learn a lot from porn, it tells us a lot about our society. More Informations:

Exhibition Location / Event Location


In your colors (liveperformance) Porn to be queer_feminist

The performance shows a subjective representation of a*sex porn in connection with synesthesia. In doing so, the performance addresses different levels of relationships and connections to people, touch, feelings and colors. A sign for more visibility of A*sex, both in the queer community and among FLINTA* people!

  • Begin: 22:00 pm
  • End: 22:30 pm
  • Location: Amalienstraße 13 - Campus.Garten