summaery2023: Projects

POWER HOUSE Episode 03 - can't stop won't stop

Project information

submitted by
Katharina Miriam Wendler

marke.6, Buba Beboshvili, Maria Fabricius, Kyuhyun Kim, Juro Carl Anton Reinhardt, Hauke Scholz

Katharina Wendler

– Other –

Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma)

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schillerstraße 12 - SCHILLER-MUSEUM

attractive to children

Participation in the Centennial »23:ideas«

marke.6, Klassik Stiftung Weimar

Project description

While episode 02 deals with themes of localisation, belonging and identification in the context of living, episode 03 - "can't stop won't stop" poses questions about arriving, movements and the fleeting nature of our lives. The third part of the POWER HOUSE exhibition series is curated by the student initiative "marke.6", which also marks the halfway point in the annual programme of nova space, the university gallery of the Bauhaus University Weimar, is a guest at the Schiller Museum.

Our lives are characterised by constant movement, dynamism, mobility, fleetingness: a rushed everyday life, (waiting for) transport, exhaustion after work, time limitations. We constantly have to adapt to new circumstances, conditions and expectations. This not infrequently creates a feeling of inner restlessness that accompanies many of us throughout our lives and leads us to question our own belonging, the concept of home, professional and personal futures.

"can't stop won't stop" asks whether it is possible to ever arrive, or whether we are rather in a constant state of transit.

Open Tue-Sun, 9:30-18:00 in nova space @ Schiller Museum, FREE ADMISSION

Email: marke.6[at]

Exhibition Location / Event Location


we are two POWER HOUSE Episode 03 - can't stop won't stop

A dance performance as part of the exhibition "POWER HOUSE - Episode 03 can't stop won't stop". The artists Janina Heinrich and Jonah Martensen ask each other about the possibilities of encounter. we are two, we invent a new space, we invite into it, we shape it, we let go to find each other, we dare each other, we move in our space, we find what we never looked for, we cannot lie with our bodies.

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 15:00 pm
  • Location: nova [shared] space @ Schiller-Museum, Schillerstr. 12, 99423 Weimar