summaery2023: Projects

bauSTELLE x SCC: open source code service

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Project information

submitted by
Luise Matthes

Luise Matthes

Bastian Bügler

– Other –

Degree programme:
– Other –

Type of project presentation

– Other –

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Freifläche 1 / area 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude und Campus.Office))

SCC + Universitätsbibliothek

Project description

Just as the planet collapses Germany decided to actually do something cyber. It's as if we'd known that dominant tech corporations will stretch societal margins even further. In the spaces between personal freedom and international labor market the Weimar University wants to offer solutions that preserve digital diversity. The key phrase is open source. As a mascot for the University's open source initiative Luise Matthes a.k.a. bauSTELLE was invited to accompany this transformational process and to aid, guide and help. The performance shown during this year's summaery will mark the kick off event for this initiative. If we fail to find answers on twitter or reddit we can humbly gather and at least find comfort during bauSTELLE's healing code service. Let's come together and leave moral, ideology and paranoia behind to see the true face of this transformational age. The code, and thus the future, is in our hands! Let's take back control!


bauSTELLE x SCC: open source codesdienst bauSELLE x SCC: open source codesdienst

bauSTELLE eröffnet mit diesem codesdienst die open source Initiative der Bauhaus Universität. Software gehört in unsere Hand!

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 14:00 pm