summaery2023: Projects

POWER HOUSE Episode 02 - no one belongs here more than you

Project information

submitted by
Katharina Miriam Wendler

Hannah Aßmann-Staudt, Verena von Beckerath & Barbara Schönig, Esther Betz & Mara Kossira, Elisa Breyer, Moritz Eggert, Emma von Helden & Paula Pichler, Sofia Hultén, Ian Kiaer, Christian Andrés Parra Sanchéz, Negar Rahnamae, Charlotte Rohde, Katrin Steiger

Katharina Wendler

Art and Design

Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma)

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2023

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schillerstraße 12 - SCHILLER-MUSEUM

attractive to children

Participation in the Centennial »23:ideas«

Klassik Stiftung Weimar

Project description

In keeping with the annual theme of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the POWER HOUSE takes a look at various aspects of "living" and devotes its individual exhibition episodes to different thematic focuses. These flow into one another, have overlaps (in terms of content, time and space) and think of the exhibition as an organic structure that spreads sometimes more and sometimes less throughout the museum and beyond.

While 'Episode 01 - where do we grow from here' asked questions about growth and spreading, the second episode is dedicated to themes of belonging, identification (with living space, with one's own environment, with "home") and security.

In the context of housing, these themes take on a special urgency. One's own home, designed according to individual needs (but of course also according to budget, social status and taste), can be the most important retreat and feel-good zone, the number one safe space. It can also become a feared place against the background of domestic violence, poverty or political decisions, for example.

With whom do we share our private space? Do we do it voluntarily or forced? How representative is our dwelling place of our personality? Where do we want to live and how can we identify with new places of residence if we have not chosen them ourselves (e.g. due to flight)?

Exhibition open Tue-Sun, 9:30-18:00, free entry

Email: katharina.wendler[at]

Exhibition Location / Event Location


Artist Talk with Ian Kiaer POWER HOUSE Episode 02 - no one belongs here more than you

Ian Kiaer (*1971 London, lives and works in Oxford) is part of the exhibition ‘POWER HOUSE Episode 02 – no one belongs here more than you’. has exhibited internationally since 2000, with solo exhibitions at institutions including Tate Britain, London; Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; Kunstverein München, Venice Biennale, Sao Paulo Biennial. Join us for a lecture by and a talk with the artist at nova space!

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: IN ENGLISH no entry open for all Location: nova [shared] space @ Schiller-Museum Schillerstr. 12, 99423 Weimar