»Weltoffenes Thüringen« Initiative: We Are on Board!
The Initiative
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has pledged its support, together with over 7,000 like-minded individuals, for the »Weltoffenes Thüringen« initiative. Numerous campaigns have set the goal of raising awareness and support for a democratic, respectful and open-minded Thuringia.

Weltoffenes Thüringen - Statement von Präsident Prof. Peter Benz
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Our Call to All University Members
Stand up with us together for an open-minded Thuringia: Follow »Weltoffenes Thüringen« initiatives on social media, inspire others and submit a statement on our website, attend events, sign the petition - every form of support counts!
#Thueringenweltoffen Together
More than 7,000 supporters have already signed the »Weltoffenes Thüringen« petition. We want to know: What does an open-minded Thuringia mean to you? How are you, your family and friends helping to make this happen What are some positive experiences you have already had? We will be collecting your responses and publishing selected contributions on this page in order to reach and inspire as many people as possible.

»When it comes to diversity, we are committed to establishing equal opportunities, promoting diversity and standing up against discrimination at our university. As a university, we also have a special social responsibility to advocate for diversity and democracy in society and to oppose all forms of discrimination, xenophobia and threats to democracy. It is now, more than ever, so important for us as a university to support the »Weltoffenes Thüringen« initiative and to ensure a diverse Thuringia where everyone is safe and welcome.«

»Open-mindedness is required for a dignified, culturally fulfilling and economically secure life in Thuringia. It is now urgent to say 'no' loud and clear to those who abuse their democratic rights to slander, threaten and marginalise others.«

»Being open to other perspectives and people is the foundation for successful research and creative design. At the Bauhaus Research School, we support individuals from all over the world on their path to a doctoral degree and beyond. We have countless discussions, exchange ideas on the peculiarities of our cultures or German administration and do our best to find connections. Recently, and not just in Thuringia, the social climate has become more hostile and exclusionary. Diversity seems to be increasing uncertainty among some people, yet diversity provides the perfect opportunity to create something new together, a world that is worth living in for everyone thanks to our man different perspectives.
My hope is that Thuringia and our university continue to be safe places, where no one needs to be afraid of discrimination and where we can meet one another with curiosity at eye level and focus on what connects us all.«

»Democracy and unconditional respect for human dignity are worthwhile accomplishments. But they must not be taken for granted. They require constant commitment and most be defended against anti-democratic and dehumanising speech and action. The initiative for an open-minded Thuringia is more important than ever. In an increasingly toxic environment marked by exclusion and hatred, the initiative highlights the significance of democratic values brings together those who support a diverse and open-minded Thuringia.«

»Again and again, we are given the opportunity to get involved in social issues and debates, and we are given a wide range of ways to participate – or not participate. In my opinion, the current developments no longer permit us to sit back and observe. I want to live in a country free of exclusion and hatred, a country of people from different backgrounds, religious beliefs, ethnic and cultural origins. I want to live in a democratic society, characterised by a respectful and peaceful coexistence, open-minded and in solidarity with one another – a community that takes a stand against xenophobia and right-wing extremism. This is why I support the initiative with my signature and in discussions and activities in both my professional and private life. Do you?«

»I support this initiative because an open-minded and tolerant society provide a foundation for science and research, which means that academics and researchers have a particular duty to advocate for democracy, tolerance and open-mindedness.«

»I have been the director of the Office of Student and Academic Affairs for many years. It’s essential for us that all students feel welcome and comfortable at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar from the very beginning. An open-minded environment is fundamental to this. We offer guidance and support in several languages and pay attention to the individuals needs of our students. We are committed to providing them with the right type of support. Research and teaching must not be restricted by nationalistic or xenophobic beliefs — education is a human right that safeguards our future and is guaranteed by our modern democracy. This is something I truly believe in and why »Weltoffenes Thüringen« is so important, especially at this moment in time.«
Our Policies for Strengthening Diversity, Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Encouraging Tolerance
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is actively committed to ensuring equal opportunities and inclusion, encouraging diversity and equality, protecting against discrimination and reducing disadvantage at the university. The Equal Opportunity Office and, since 2019, the Diversity Department are responsible for achieving these goals. Numerous measures, support programmes and initiatives have already been developed and implemented, including:
- Funding and scholarships for equal opportunities and diversity
- Strategies for inclusive teaching
- A wide range of counselling and support services for all university members
- Various workshops and events based on equal opportunities and anti-discrimination
- Campus Pride Week
- »Equity at Bauhaus – Movie Edition« film series
A signatory of the Charta der Vielfalt (Charter of Diversity) since 2019, we have been recognised for our commitment and impact:
Together with eight other universities from Thuringia, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has successfully completed the two-year procedure for fostering diversity and been awarded certification for the coming three years. Various measures were developed as part of the audit and implemented at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. These include the installation of toilets for all genders, establishment of a diversity fund, implementation of measures for structural and digital accessibility, and deployment of diversity guides, who enable easy access to peer-to-peer counselling in case of discrimination.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar successfully applied for the »Total E-Quality« award. This award is presented to scientific and industrial institutions that have successfully implemented and sustainable strengthened equal opportunities for both women and men within the institutions’ personnel and organisational policies. The jury confirmed that the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar »promotes a well-developed, professional equality, which is impressively practiced at the university«.