The Energy-Saving Plan expired in April 2023, which means you are no longer required to keep offices at 19°C. Everyone is encouraged to responsibly regulate the heating in rooms at the University. Sensibly turning down the heat when rooms are not in use and properly ventilating is recommended. Further information on this can be found here.
All Bauhaus-Universität Weimar members will be informed via e-mail in the event of a gas shortage. The communication process is outlined in the University’s Energy-Saving and Emergency Plans.
The heating is lowered automatically outside the normal operating hours. This measure, which was in place well before the last heating period, is a useful way of reducing energy consumption when rooms are use little or not at all.
§7 of the »Kurzfristenergieversorgungssicherungsmaßnahmenverordnung (EinSikuMaV)« (ordinance on short-term energy saving measures) requires that decentralised water heaters be turned off. If the boilers were simply turned off, brackish water would remain, allowing bacteria to develop. This can cause a drinking water system to »tip« in extreme cases. Such a situation has occurred before in a university building. In order to avoid this risk, it was decided to dismantle all boilers.
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