Konferenztisch -
Alumniflyer mal anders! -
Arbeiten von Ehemaligen -
Infowand -
The Alumni Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is part of the Partners and Alumni Department in the President's Office and sees itself as a welcome and meeting place in the International Bauhaus Network of Generations. At Amalienstraße 13, you can get information, organize reunions, or simply take a look around and see how things have changed since you studied here. The Alumni Office is your connection to your alma mater.
We want to stay in touch with you and are eager to hear or read from you! Share your experiences with our students today. We would be happy to help you with all matters connected to your alma mater Vimariensis.
Bauhaus-Network, Alumnidatabase
Larissa Schmeißer, Faculty of Media
Alumni Discussions
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