100 years of the Bauhaus exhibition: The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is using the first major exhibition of the State Bauhaus in 1923 as an opportunity to present its current projects, discourses and future plans in the centennial year 2023.
Together with our partners in Weimar and the world, we want to show what moves us, how we work together and what we can do. You can expect various exhibitions as well as insights into forward-looking teaching and research projects. And of course we also want to celebrate together. Be there!
Exhibitions are the centrepiece of the centennial year. With POWER HOUSE, the nova space - the University Gallery of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - moves to the Schiller Museum from 1 April to 2 November and shows a programme that bundles the creative energies from the four faculties.
In addition, several teaching projects will present their results, for example, from July the Bauhaus Urban Energy Hub of the Chair of Building Physics will showcase sustainable architectural and energy concepts on the Coudraystraße campus.
And last but not least, the university invites you to get to know the student work of the current academic year at the annual show summaery2023 from 13 to 16 July.
During the Bauhaus Weeks from 15 to 31 August - the period of the Bauhaus exhibition 100 years ago - Weimar invites you to celebrate. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be taking part in the festivities with digital façade projections around Haus Am Horn, temporary installations on campus and, of course, the big Bauhaus parade at the end of the week.
Often closely linked to the exhibition activities, students, academics and artists at the university address the current specialist issues of our time in teaching projects, workshops and conferences together with national and international guests.
For example, the International Heritage Centre calls for a Global Bauhaus Symposium to discuss the contemporary significance of the Bauhaus and its ideas. The South African architect Tom Sanya and the Bauhaus.Media.Stage Lab will approach the topic of analogue/digital space experimentally in a public workshop, and the »Canons Anyone« conference in October will address the question of the extent to which a canon is relevant to contemporary architecture and urban planning.
In its centennial year, the university places particular emphasis on deepening existing partnerships and stimulating new ones. In 2023, interventions, exhibitions and discourses by students and teachers will be an integral part of the »Living« theme year of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the Kunstfest Weimar and the Achava Festspiele Thüringen. And in summer, numerous international guests from the partner universities, alumni and participants of the Bauhaus Summer School will accept the invitation to Weimar.
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