Design: Marcel Saidov und Lea Ansorg | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Bauhaus Weeks

Bauhaus-Weeks: Weimar Invites You to Celebrate

In August and September 1923, the first major Bauhaus Exhibition made the results of the work of the State Bauhaus Weimar accessible to the public for the first time, drawing numerous artists, intellectuals and art lovers to the site of the show.

Precisely 100 years later, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar and the Kunstfest Weimar are extending a joint invitation to take part in the »Bauhaus-Weeks«.

From 15 August to 10 September 2023, the three Weimar institutions will host a variety of exhibitions, workshops, performances, and music and film events within the Weimar city limits.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Programme

Students and instructors from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be presenting current projects, discourses and designs for the future. Visitors are welcome to attend individual events as well as projects that will take place throughout the event period. We look forward to welcoming you to the campus and to the city of Weimar!

Bauhaus parade moves through the city of Weimar
Photo: Thomas Müller

15 August, 2 pm


Langscapes is a reading sculpture, a publishing house and a rolling installation that disseminates cylindrical texts by various authors in public spaces. Victor del Oral of the Public Art and New Artistic Strategies degree programme developed an inhabitable »calligram« that incorporates the body and the act of reading and writing as an integral component of its structure. The text of the reading sculpture has neither beginning nor end and is activated by the act of walking.

Langscapes contemplates writing and reading in their spatial dimension, the concept of language as a public space and the role poetry can play in architecture and everyday life. Architecture becomes literature, poems become corporal bodies, and letters become windows.

Nietzsche Archiv, Humboldtstrasse 36

Sketch of the sculpture
(c) Victor del Oral

15 August, 6pm

Opening of the Bauhaus-Weeks 

Forecourt of the Bauhaus-Museum Weimar, Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1

15 August, 8 pm

Opening of »reframing the future« as Part of the »POWER HOUSE« Annual Exhibition

For the anniversary year 2023, the University Gallery will be relocating to the Schiller Museum from 1 April to 2 November. Here, the nova space becomes the energetic powerhouse of exhibition operations, a place for action, performance and experimentation but also a space for encountering others, interacting and engaging in discussion. As a nucleus of creative output, it grows and proliferates organically, reaching beyond the public realm and into the university campus.

Episode 04 »reframing the future« opens on 15 August. The exhibition will include the presentation of the works that won awards or were nominated from 2017 to 2021 in the »born to be bauhaus« competition. The exhibition will be accompanied by artist talks and a workshop on Bauhaus reflection.

nova space @ Schiller-Museum Weimar, Schillerstrasse 12
Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30 am to 6 pm, free admission

Graphic: Adrian Palko/Marc Wöhner
Graphic: Adrian Palko/Marc Wöhner

15 to 26 August, 6 pm each day

Gropius Room is open

On the occasion of the Bauhaus Exhibition in 1923, State Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius designed the Director’s Room in what is now the Main Building of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The Director’s Room will be open to the public during the Bauhaus-Weeks.

Gropius Room in the Main Building of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 8

15 to 20 August

Gropius Room Pavilion

As an example of symbolic micro-architecture, the Gropius Room Pavilion provides the opportunity to discuss and scrutinise issues of the future relating to unfinished modernity in public spaces. Created in 2019 on the occasion of the »100 years of Bauhaus« anniversary celebration at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the pavilion temporarily established a physical link between Weimar and its partner cities that lasted through 2023.

To mark the anniversary of the first Bauhaus Exhibition and the end of its European tour, the Gropius Room Pavilion will be brought back to Weimar in time for the 100th birthday of its alter ego. The room will serve as an open spatial sculpture for a wide variety of uses from 15 August to 15 October.

During the Bauhaus-Weeks, the pavilion will be a central port of call for the programme of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar as well as the starting point for workshops developed by students for the anniversary as part of the »Kooperation ohne Konsens« (Ko.o.Ko.) module.

Participatory Events
16 August to 20 August, 10 am to noon

Forecourt of the Bauhaus-Museum Weimar, Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1

Participants of the project stand in the Gropius Room Pavilion
Photo: Team of the Gropius Room Pavilion

17 to 19 August

The House

»The way in which we inhabit the house is also the way in which we inhabit the world. There are as many ways to inhabit the world as there are people in it.«

A house made of wool is a participatory installation that opens its doors to let people in and change its structure. If you want to participate in the workshops and inhabit the house, bring an object that you associate with the concept of the house.

A Project by Natalia Castillo Rincón
Supported by the Kreativfonds

Opening: 17 August 2023, 8 pm
Workshops: 18 and 19 August 2023, 3 pm

Trierer Strasse 12

Close-up of house made of wool
Photo: Natalia Castillo Rincó

24 August, noon to 6 pm

»Bauhaus Psychologie – Workshop mit Robert Wilson«

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s Bauhaus.Medien.Bühnen Lab, together with Kunstfest Weimar, invites you to a workshop with theatre director, visual artist and architect Robert Wilson. Held in the university’s Oberlichtsaal, the event will provide participants with the opportunity to explore the content and perspectives of Bauhaus psychology through lectures, film screenings and discussion panels.

The workshop will explore the intricacies of the reception of »Bauhaus.Psychologie«, as well as its application in association with Bauhaus Master Gertrud Grunow. A discussion will be held with Robert Wilson, in which the contents of this psychology will be explored and its contents discussed. A key question is what role the body, its movements and its energies play and how a theory of balance based on this can be applied today in architecture, art, dance, theatre and film.

Contributors will include Robert Wilson, Henning Schmidgen, Jenny Brockmann, Ute Ackermann and Paulina Olszewska.

Noon to 2 pm: Lecture and Discussion
2 to 5 pm: Film Screening
5 to 7 pm: Presentation and Discussion
Oberlichtsaal of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 

You can attend all parts of the event independently of the other events.
Please register by e-mailing: anmeldung.workshop.wilson[at] 

Poster of the Event; Image: Jenny Brockmann, »Grunowscher Farbkreis«, 2018. Collage on transparent paper. Photo: Thomas Müller
Poster of the Event; Image: Jenny Brockmann, »Grunowscher Farbkreis«, 2018. Collage on transparent paper. Photo: Thomas Müller

24 and 25 August, noon to 6 pm

Protokoll M – or the day the wolf began to chase the moon

»Monday is a dichotomy between falling into a rut and starting anew.« Protocol M is a radio play installation about the late GDR-era Monday demonstrations in Weimar: It is designed as a kind of self-help group for residents of the city who wonder how they should relate to the movement, whether they should do something about it and how dialogue can be useful. The radio play is based on observations of the Monday demonstrations and interviews with city residents.

Age recommendation: 12 years

A student project as part of the 23:ideas Anniversary Fund
by Pauline Bönisch and Joel Schülin (Urban Studies), Paula Hozhauer (Media Art and Design).

As part of the Kunstfest Weimar
a-studio, Vorwerksgasse 5

28 August to 30 August, 5 to 8 pm each day

Building workshops for the Bauhaus Parade

Costumes and props for the Bauhaus Parade can be designed and implemented in three workshops. The focus is on the materials textile, cardboard and wood, and the workshops are open to all who are interested.

Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 6A

Person in costume in front of the University Library during the Bauhaus Parade
Photo: Thomas Müller

31 August, 7 pm

Bauhaus Parade

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar and the Kunstfest Weimar invite you to a Bauhaus-Weeks highlight on campus: The route of the »Bauhaus Parade« will go from the campus through the Park an der Ilm to the Haus am Horn. Artistic installations and yoga sessions will accompany the parade.

The Haus am Horn itself, which was constructed 100 years ago as part of the Bauhaus Exhibition as the only Bauhaus experimental house, will be included in the programme through student-organized façade projections. These will take contemporary private and collective dimensions of living as their subject.

In the final week of August, anyone who is interested can attend three workshops and use textiles, cardboard and wood to build costumes and props for the Bauhaus Parade.

Start (7 pm): Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8
Finish (approx. 10 pm): Haus am Horn, Am Horn 61

Bauhaus PARADE

from Nivre

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Bauhaus-Parade 2019
»100 Jahre Bauhaus«
Film: Nivre Film & Studio

Built signs on the Main Building
Photo: Thomas Müller
Bauhaus parade on its route through the city of Weimar
Photo: Thomas Müller
Bauhaus parade on its route through the city of Weimar
Photo: Thomas Müller

31 August and 1 September, 8:30 to 10:30 pm

»How do we live? How do we want to live?«
Haus am Horn Facade Projection 

In a project of the MediaArchitecture degree programme, façade projections will be created for the Haus Am Horn in the summer semester of 2023 in coordination with the Klassik Stiftung Weimar: Based on the first major Bauhaus Exhibition and the experimental history of Haus am Horn, students explore contemporary private and collective dimensions of living and use analogue and digital techniques and tools to develop an expressive visual language and history.

During the Bauhaus-Weeks, video artist and media architect Lea Brugnoli will be contributing her experience to the seminar as a lecturer and will implement the public video mapping on the façade together with students.

Leadership: Dr. Sabine Zierold, MediaArchitecture/Professorship of Presentation Methodology in Design
Students: Dorian Beer, Elif Imre Bilgin, Peechana Chayochaichana, Pasuta Paopun, Maximilian Eder, Anjuna Kaiser, Vasili Macharadze, Negar Rahnamae
Guests: Ana Maria Vallejo Cuartas, Hendrik Wendler

Haus am Horn, Am Horn 61

Photo: Sabine Zierold
Video still of the project by Anjuna Kaiser
(c) Anjuna Kaiser
Video still of the project by Peechana Chayochaichana
(c) Peechana Chayochaichana

1 September, 3 to 6 pm

»Open Ateliers« of the Bauhaus Summer School

From 12 August to 2 September 2023, 200 international participants will once again gather on the campus of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the Bauhaus Summer School. They will present their course results with a focus on art, technology, architecture and languages in the »Open Ateliers« on 1 September.

Campus of the Bauhaus University Weimar, opening at the Bauhaus.Atelier
Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 8

Two people standing in front of works of art and looking into the camera
Photo: Carlos Santos

From 1 September, 2 to 8 pm

»Zorn des Wimmels«

Hannes Naumann, a student of Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication), pointedly stages current social and political hotspots in his hidden object picture »Zorn des Wimmels« which is hung in a central location in the Main Building.

Main Building of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 8

Preview of Hannes Naumann's picture "Zorn des Wimmels"
(c) Hannes Naumann

8 and 9 September, 2 to 8 pm

belvedere garden: belair

Students and alumni of product design, architecture and urbanism extend an invitation to the community to attend exhibitions, workshops and garden concerts at Belvederer Allee 66: »belvedere garden: belair« introduces the public from the campus to the reality of life for Weimar students and shows the house project as a place of collaborative use for living, learning and working away from the seminar rooms.

A student project as part of the Jubilee Fund 23:ideas by Kira Becker, Tillmann Gebauer, Constantin Graw, Bea Mensing, Paul Räpple, Felix Stockhhausen and, in the extended team, Friedrich Gerlach, Lina Kratz, Philipp Enzmann (students and alumni of Produktdesign (Product Design), Architecture and Urbanistik).

Open doors and exhibition, workshops, garden concerts and aperó
Belvederer Allee 66

15 August to 10 September

Various projects can be viewed throughout the Bauhaus-Weeks. 

Designerly and performative re-readings of the Director Room

100 years after the creation of Walter Gropius’ Director’s Room in today’s Main Building, students from the Faculty of Art and Design have taken it upon themselves to continue this legacy by developing new conceptual, design and material approaches using digital design and manufacturing processes. Visitors are warmly invited to allow themselves to be inspired by the results and to engage in an exchange with students. At the same time, individual miniature objects will be machine-made – directly on site – which you can take home with you.

Participants: Professorship of Emerging Technologies and Design and Professorship of Theory and History of Design (Jr. Prof. Dr. Thomas Pearce, Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, M.A., Michael Braun, B.A., Philipp Enzmann) and Produktdesign (Product Design) students of summer semester 2023

Next to the Gropius Room in the Main Building, Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 8

Project design Misfits
Project design Misfits (c) Rael Kaymer, Jannik Gieler

-erase- Love

erase Love has gathered documents, processes, and projections from the transcultural exchange with international artists, architects, urbanists, and cultural practitioners who joined us for workshops and lectures over the course of the semester. We have shared multi-perspective knowledge of global modernisms in art and architecture through a decentered and decolonial lens. Love is thereby understood as a relational practice and a technology of transformation that opposes erasure.

Interested parties are cordially invited to the opening on Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 5 p.m., at the »-erase- Shop« at Steubenstraße 20.

-erase- Shop, Steubenstrasse 20, 99423 Weimar

Wednesday and Thursday, 1 – 4 pm

Poster of the Event (c) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Poster of the Event (c) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


Under the title »ENOUGH«, Iffat Mahmuda Khans and David Benjamin Beckerts from the Integrated Urban Development and Design degree programme present a sun sail made of recycled plastic shopping bags that provides shade behind the »x.stahl« experimental building and makes sustainable building practices the subject of discussion.

x.stahl on the university campus, Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 8 (behind the Bauhaus.Atelier)

Poster for the Enough project
(c) Iffat Mahmuda Khans, David Benjamin Beckerts

Else's Story

A book and exhibition project is dedicated to the life of Else Goldschmidt, the world’s first female stockbroker: While conducting research on the Berlin Stock Exchange in the Berlin State Archives as part of her 2015 dissertation, Dr Katrin Richter, a scientific employee at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, accidentally discovered a photograph of Else Goldschmidt (1898-1975), the first woman with a seat on the Berlin Stock Exchange. But despite intensive archival research, no further information about her could be found, not even her dates of birth and death. Three years later, a chance occurrence allowed Dr Richter to locate Else Goldschmidt’s descendants in Jerusalem and obtain key information, photographs and newspaper articles. This was the springboard for being able to continue with the predominantly archival research work.

The result of this research process is now the book and exhibition project »ELSE’S STORY. The Life of the World’s First Woman Stockbroker«. The exhibition is on view at the University Library until 22 September.

University Library of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Steubenstrasse 6/8

Photo of a display case in the exhibition
Photo: Katrin Richter


Two postcard stands with photographic works in postcard format.

In an exhibition entitled »PERSPECTIVES«, the new professorship of photography at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 2023 will be presenting photographic works outside the university for the first time. Under the direction of Prof. Birgit Wudtke and artistic staff member Pio Rahner, the students have been working on the pictorial genre of portraiture and the imagery of the streetscape.

The department puts its thematic focus on democratisation processes,
which are set in motion by the lively discourse with and among the students. However, such processes are also made possible by the medium itself and are made even more potent through the digital transformation.

Who am I, both individually and as a member of society? Who and what determines my
perspective, and how can I broaden it in my discourse and dealings with photography? Who
is looking at whom or what, and how is it being looked at? Photography offers the opportunity
to question, rethink and shift your perspective.

Foyer of the Bauhaus-Museum Weimar, Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1

Humans of Weimar

»Who are we, what is society, and what happens when we leave our bubble and engage without bias with people we don’t know?«

As part of the Bauhaus.Module, students approached and interviewed people in Weimar’s public spaces, exploring the individual realities of their fellow human beings’ lives, convictions, successes, failures, views of society, what makes them happy or unhappy in life and much more. The results can be viewed in an exhibition in the University Library and on Instagram.

Foyer of the University Library of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Steubenstrasse 6/8

Exhibition in the University Library, photographed
Photo: Emanuel Sandritter

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is using the 100th anniversary of the first major exhibition of the State Bauhaus in 1923 as an occasion to present its current projects, discourses and designs for the future from April to October of the anniversary year 2023.