The Bauhaus Walk: on the trail of early Bauhaus in Weimar
»Following the trail of the early Bauhaus« student-guides have been doing this with visitors since 2006 in the context of the specially-conceived Bauhaus Walk. During that walk, you can experience the past and present of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar at the very places where, in the era of the Staatliche Bauhaus, Walter Gropius, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger an many others, lived out their ideas, worked, thaught and learned.
This book indicates what can be experienced on the Bauhaus Walk. It outlines the chequered history of the school, and describes all the different stops on the walk: the buildings designed by Henry an de Velde and listed as part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 1996; the wall designs by Oskar Schlemmer, Joost Schmidt and Herbert Beyer; Auguste Rodin's sculpture »Eve«; the Director's Office designed by Walter Gropius, the »Templer House« in the Park on the river Ilm, or the »Haus Am Horn«, the first Bauhaus test-house.
With this book therefore, you can also take the historical and anecdotal data home with you and follow the trail of the Bauhaus as often as you wish.
The guidebook is available in the Bauhaus.Atelier | Info Shop Café for Euro 12.90 in English.
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