Photographs | 2009
Funded by the Women’s Promotion Fund
»Einsamer Eros« [Lonesome Eros] by Carina Linge shows psychogram-like portraits of singles and couples in the form of photo tableaus. Although the faces of the portrayed individuals are not shown, the scenographically arranged images of bodies, along with associative, symbolic and art-historical references and subtle allusions characterise the individuals and their subjective emotional states.
Against the background of our cultural and mass-media driven demand for personal, fulfilled, romantic love, Carina Linge is interested in a specific question: Why has the »single« lifestyle become more prevalent, or to put it differently: Why does our desire for fulfilled togetherness often remain unfulfilled? In her work, she doesn’t regard photo portraits as merely the method of »taking a picture of someone«, but rather as the symbolisation of an individual life, which can be approached and interpreted from various angles. That moment of interpretation, which the viewer must recognise and continue, is clearly evident in the tableaus of each single or couple. Freely quoted from: Kai Uwe Schierz: Carina Linge. Einsamer Eros [Catalogue Max Pechstein Prize of the City of Zwickau], Publisher: Art collections of the city museums of Zwickau, 2009.
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