Photo series | 2013
Funded by the Equal Opportunity: Scholarships for Female Artists and Designers
Vera Nowottny’s research project describes the path from the »formal aesthetics of photographic resolution« to the »artistic act of breathing«. The methodically arranged artistic research project begins with what Nowottny calls the »formale Ästhetik in der Fotografie« [The formal aesthetics in photography] in which she attempts to visualise the material differences of both recording devices in photography through a diverse series of tests. Each test series has a strictly discursive orientation and forms a kind of metaphorical path. During the process, the results of the test series reveal an approach from which the real artistic work crystallises.
The subsequent part is called »Der künstlerische Akt des Atmens« [The artistic act of breathing] and represents the antithesis to the test series conducted earlier; it is not subject to any verifiable process of form, but assumes its shape entirely autonomously. The image-generating process at work here is purely the result of a symbiosis between humans and the natural surroundings. Using natural elements, the artist sets a dynamic process in motion, in which special and individual moments are manifested.
Changes from color to monochrome mode
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contrast not active
Changes the background color from white to black
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Darkmode not active
Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
Feedback active
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Halts animations on the page
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