The Faculty of Art and Design was founded in Autumn 1993 by Lucius Burckhardt, in what was the logical result of deliberations and concepts on creative practice and how this can be taught.
Weimar, the home of the German classical period, was the ideal place to combine the protection of established cultural assets with new forms of artistic teaching, which led to Bauhaus, the most outstanding and innovative form.
However, 80 years after the establishment of this world-famous institution, in light of the present situation it seems appropriate to address the main difference in this form of teaching. The trend, which has been evident for a few decades, of giving up any remaining and generally valid truths and suggested solutions encourages creative individuals more than ever to consider the sense and purpose of their initiatives and measures, and to find the ideal use of their talents.
This increased appreciation of the problem can be observed in all branches, from so-called »applied« areas through to »free« art, from the design of everyday culture to the incarnation of spiritual/philosophical thinking. In many cases, the thematic and media options cross these boundaries and are similar or even identical.
Since April 1st 2016, the newly structured faculty is renamed Faculty Art and Design.
Read more about the Faculty of Art and Design
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