Architecture and Urbanism
First Phase (WS 2014/2015) with Afroditi Manari Isil Onursal
Architecture and Urbanism, Art and Design, Media
Grafik: Robin Weißenborn Redaktion: Andrea Karle, Michael Merkel Texte: Andrea Karle, Anniek Vetter, Fabian Eggert, Frank Bock, Gelavije Kandouleh-Zakeri, Hanna Altermann, Judith Klein, June Drevet, Lea Schmee, Lisa Hoffmann, Michael Merkel, Rebekka Marpert, Sarah Weiselowski, Sebastián Eduardo, Sibylle Reichel
Art and Design
Katharina Wohlleben, Larissa Siemon
Art and Design
Rahel Maria Lopez Altuna, Louisa Bäcker, Luise Bollmann, Gabriel Dörner, Lina Gräf, Anna Hack, Ulrike Hempel, Nora Keilig, Rebecca Linz, Aileen Liu, Larissa Lorenz, Ye Lusha, Leon Lukas Plum, Gabriella Scali, Julia Synnatzschke, Jakob Tress, Julia Weiß, Theresa Zingel
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