Art and Design
Miriam Zweck, Robin Weißenborn, Daniel Scheidler, Anna Fletcher, Anne Groß, Nina Kahmke, Maximilan Schatz, Marie Gehrhardt
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Andreas Aicher Patrick Engel Paul David Burckhardt
Architecture and Urbanism
Marvin Lannefeld,Sven Lindemann in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie alle weiteren Studierenden des Planungsprojektes: Juliane Lenz, Jolande Kirschbaum, Jonathan Hock, Leonard Bockelmann, Roman Rafalson, Nikolaus Mercedes- Schäfer, Eva Bretsch, Anna Brückmann, Madeleine Macarei, Frances Kowalski, Rebekka Kramm, Vivienne Langer, Caroline Herbst, Jan von der Fecht, Florian Dossin, Ada Partsch, Anna Glindemann
Art and Design
Ramona Seidl, Kristin Schulze, Maria Herholz, Cenk Özbakir, Antonia Bellmann, Paul Stolle, Maria-Isabell Otto, Moritz Ebeling, Christophe Armand, Anna Heidelbach, Julia Weiß, Anne Marx, Robin Weißenborn
Changes from color to monochrome mode
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contrast not active
Changes the background color from white to black
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Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
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Feedback not active
Halts animations on the page
Animations active
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