Katharina Wohlleben, Larissa Siemon
Co-AuthorsKatharina Wohlleben, Larissa Siemon
MentorsProf. Martin Kuban
Summer semester 2014
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Semester project
PLURA is not an ordinary sink. The sink is pedal-powered and enables the user to intervene in the water cycle. The sink offers the opportunity to collect clean grey-water and reuse it if drinking-water quality is not needed. There will be so much water left that you´ll be able to water your garden and flowers with, use it for cleaning or put the water aside for using it later. The sliding pedal creates a hands-free water control for added hygiene and half less water usage. PLURA prepares the user for a redesigned water-system of future buildings and a new conscious handling of the resource water. PLURA inspires to save water.
Get more information on our website: https://plura-basin.squarespace.com
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