Daniel Scheidler
Co-AuthorsDaniel Scheidler
MentorsProf. Gerrit Babtist Prof. Martin Kuban
Winter semester 2013/14
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Bachelor project
This project is aimed to introduce a brand new style of skateboarding!
As his graduation work, Daniel Scheidler designed a skateboard, that is incredibly easy to control through it’s particularly big wheels, a lower stand and custom made trucks mechanics. The objective of the enhancements is to create a competitor to bicycles – especially for those areas, where size and weight matter. Moreover the design is configured for simple production resources and with the aim of great trend potential.
As proofed with a prototype, the design makes the subsurface is less sensitive than by conventional long boards while the agility exceeds by far those of All-Terrain Boards.
The specific characteristic of the work is it's focus on production methods of small workshops in Ethiopia. “My vision is to introduce and establish skating as a mean of mass transportation in it's capital Addis Ababa.” Scheidler says.
In Addis Ababa for many there is no alternative to the system of public transportation. The minibus stations and bus stops are overcrowded at rush hour. Alternatives in form of motorbikes and cars are for the majority too expensive and bicycles are inadequate for the ups and downs of the highland metropolis roads.
But as his research showed, the city is perfect for skateboarding: The asphalt is in large in good condition and if one uses the legion of old trucks as a system of lifts, the whole city becomes a “ski carousel”.
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