Stepan Boldt
Co-AuthorsStepan Boldt, Jonathan-David Wedle, Sandra Reyes, Justine Barthel, Katja Bliß, Had Boureslan, Luise Bollmann, Tobias Boettger, Xinyu Gao, Nina Hopf, Mona wedge, Elham Masoumi, Jenia Mokhtari, Laura Josefine Nitsche, Jonas Steinberg, Sina Stolp , Rika Tarigan, Richard Weigert
MentorsAline Helmcke, künstlerische Mitarbeiterin der Fakultät Medien/Multimediales Erzählen
Summer semester 2016
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Media Art and Design -Study programme Media Art und Design (MAD) (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Free project
Interactive web animation panorama
This panorama created with WebGL, combines the sketches of students and gives the viewers the opportunity to explore different perspectives and independently set the video area to move.
The composition was combined with Jonathan-David Wedler. The music is by Sandra Reyes. In the installation, the drawings and animations of Justine Barthel, Katja Bliß, Had Boureslan, Luise Bollmann, Tobias Boettger, Xinyu Gao, Nina Hopf, Mona wedge, Elham Masoumi, Jenia Mokhtari, Laura Josefine Nitsche, Sandra Reyes, Jonas Steinberg, Sina Stolp , Rika Tarigan, Jonathan David Wedler, Richard Weigert were used. The programming is based on Three.js Examples.
This animation was projected on three screens to be presented in the form of a Panorama at the annual exhibition „summaery2016“ at Bauhaus-University, Weimar.
Changes from color to monochrome mode
contrast active
contrast not active
Changes the background color from white to black
Darkmode active
Darkmode not active
Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
Feedback active
Feedback not active
Halts animations on the page
Animations active
Animations not active